Thursday, September 17, 2020

The PRC & "The Virus"

The following facts are avoided or suppressed by too many scientists, journalists and public officials.

1. When the rulers of "The People's Republic (sic) Of China" became aware of the "WuHan Virus" they very quickly and very severely restricted the travel of their subjects within that nation; But, allowed them to travel to other nations (eg Italy where many of them had employment) from which places that virus spread and killed many thousands (Millions?) along with extensive damage to Western economies and the employment of the "Working Class".

2. That government attempted to hide and suppress information about that virus, which hiding was in-place for long enough to limit other nation's ability to control the spread of it (eg By restricting travel from the PRC)  and attacked their nation's scientists who released truthful information on that disease.

In more recent days one of those (Now in hiding) Chinse scientists has declared that the cited virus did NOT come out of any "Wet Market" but from a government laboratory.  

I must wonder if the above described PRC's actions are a part of the asymmetrical (Now biological) warfare being waged against all other nations (Perhaps not including North Korea)..

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