Thursday, September 24, 2020

The "Bottom Line" On Dangerous Riots

 For many months "Peaceful Protests" have, very quickly and usually after dark, morphed into riots with attendant arson, hunting down those with opposing political/social positions AND attacking police officers (And others) with firearms and other dangerous weapons.

It is the statutory and Natural Law right of every human to use any (Even lethal) level-of-force to stop any act against them which "presents a clear and present danger of death or great bodily injury" to them. That right extends to all peace officers (nb I have never been a sworn peace 

In the case of such future, very unpeaceful, events the police should announce that any persons using weapons to attack police officers or
other law-abiding persons will be immediately, without further warning, shot down and no aid or assistance will be given them until there 
are no more such attacks in process as might endanger others---AND THEN EXECUTE THAT ACTION UPON ATTACKS.

At each such dangerous rioting the official position must be (To paraphrase a real American at the 1775 Battle Of Lexington): "IF THEY WANT A WAR, LET

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