At age 82-years I have observed many presidential elections. On the basis of current "numbers", "trends" and observations, as a Prophet, I declare that President Trump will be re-elected.
I also predict that such a re-election will be followed by a greater outbreak of treasonous, violent, terrorist, acts against most Americans by those already now waging war against the United States and to a much greater level of murder, arson and other felonies than even is now inflicted on our fellow, law-abiding, citizens.
The proper, criminal, charge against those critters is TREASON and not any lesser charge (eg "Conspiracy"). If our regular, Federal, courts cannot conduct trials due to a wont of unbiased jurors, those traitors must then be tried by such, very legal, military commissions as were used to try the Assassins of President Lincoln. (<>)
Those courts-and-judges who would be unable to conduct ordinary trials must NOT be allowed to stop such commissions.
Those who "give aid and comfort" to those traitors are also guilty of "Treason". That includes Members of The Congress (Who, by law, have NO especial protection from such a charge) and present-and-past presidential candidates.
Of course, our governments must then immediately use any (Including lethal) level of force to put those animals into custody OR destroy them. If, and only if, our governments will not take such immediate and
effective actions, it becomes the right-and-duty of members of "The General Militia Of The United States"
(ie All law-abiding citizens, over 18 years-of-age, capable of bearing arms) to do so---And improve both
the average human genome in the USA and the common good of our Republic.
Even at my age and with my physical limits I will assist in any such liquidation of traitors.
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