Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Anti-Police "Advocates" & A Modest-Experimental Proposal

 There are those who state "All Cops Are Bastards" or demand that police departments be "defunded" or have major parts of their budges "diverted" to "social justice programs" (Many of who are found on university campuses) or  murder or maim officers.

At least for such in academia I suggest the following experiment.

1. Such "Advocates" are to be provided funds and (If students) "credits towards degrees"  to live for two terms in a society without real police departments. (I, most strongly, recommend The Sudan!)

2. That residence is to be without any body guards or other personal protections beyond that provided to the "common people" of any such places.

3. Upon return they (ie The survivors) must inform all of us as to their observations and experiences (Perhaps on oath/affirmation before a magistrate).

4. Their schools must likewise report on the fate or unknown-fate of those who failed to return.

All persons, in academia, who support the above-cites positions must be asked if they will volunteer for the above-described experiment.

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