Friday, April 10, 2020

Limiting Constitutional Rights---NOT

The Bill Of Rights lists some rights which have only the most rare limits as can be inflicted only in the most rare circumstances.

For example, the  right (ie Privilege in archaic terms) to Habeas Corpus may only be suspended, according to our Constitution: "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it". Please specially note that this, rare limit, to our Rights can be constitutionally applied only in the case of "rebellion or invasion".

There are NO like provisions for the suspension of other rights.which include:
1. Free speech;
2. The free exercise of religion; And,
3. The individual right of law abiding citizens (ie Age 18-years and above) to (Buy) "keep and bear arms" (ie Without "infringement").

With regard to the "free exercise of religion" I must note that: Christians have a long history of supporting, if not requiring, communal worship; Jews are required to form Minyan of ten or more, adult, worshipers to have, real, worship; And, Sikhs require both communal prayer and a shared meal (ie Offered-to and shared-with all, Sikh or other/no religion).

THERE IS NOTHING IN OUR REPUBLIC'S CONSTITUTION WHICH ALLOWS ANY GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL OR BODY TO SUSPEND COMMUNAL WORSHIP WITH IS A CORE PART OF "THE FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION". "Official" acts doing sore a (Actionable?) "Violation of civil rights under color of law" which may be a felony if anyone is injured in such violations.

Of course, religious leaders or bodies my suspend communal worship for any purpose as has been done in the face of the Chinese virus pandemic.


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