Friday, January 03, 2020

Soldeimani, Terrorists, Treason & Self-Defence

Members and supporters of the USA's Democrat-Socialist-Fascist Party have executed their First Amendment, free speech and press, right to abuse our constitutionally-elected President as to the killing, in Iraq, of the terrorist and Iranian mass-murderer Soleimani.

That constitutional right is the only block to charge and convict those persons of "Treason" (And punish them according to our Constitution and derived law) those slanders were-and-are "aiding" the enemies of our Republic. Since I support what should be protected by all provisions  (eg Free exercise of religion; The right to keep and bear arms) of the Bill Of Rights (ie As intended by the Founders), I must allow them the right to inflict those errors on other.

Giving prior notice, about such removal of terrorist, to The Congress is dangerous because:
1. The Congress "leaks like a sieve": And,
2. It has three Muslim members of which at least one is far more loyal to that ideology far more than to our nations and our fellow Americans.

However, any overt act which interferes with protecting the USA (ie Its citizens and legal immigrants) from such (eg Islamist) terrorists  is treason!

The only proper response to those who, illegally, present "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" to others is to "put down" such dangerous animals asap. This also applies to such domestic terrorists as ordinary criminals, members of AntiFa threatening others with weapons or mob-strength, those followers of "Black Lives Matter" who have murdered police officers and other
such scum.


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