Thursday, January 09, 2020

Biggest Lies Of 2019

I must confess that the above lie can only be equaled by the lies used by Nazis at the various, after World War II, trials for war crimes. After all, the "Lame Street Media" can put forth the defense, "I was just following orders---Of the DNC".

Other "Lies Of The Year" might well include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. President Donald J. Trump has committed any "high crimes and misdemeanors" sufficient to allow his removal from his office;
2. The current impeachment efforts are not an effort to overturn his constitutional election;
3. Taking possession-of and ready-access-to modern firearms will make our 
law-abiding citizens safer; And,
4. The net benefit to our fellow Americans of allowing illegal immigrants into the USA is higher that the costs in money and human misery they inflict

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