Monday, January 06, 2020

Iran, Appeasement & Treason

It appears that the 40-year appeasement of the Theocratic mis-rulers of Iran has come to an end.

To paraphrase, "Those do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it".

The most exact, historical, example of that history is the United Kingdom's (And other European's) giving way to Hitler's progressively greater demands and aggression which, in time. led to the greatest War known to us. It has been maintained that one French soldier, firing one shot, would have caused that horrid man. to reverse his invasion of The Saar and stopped his military aggression.

Hitler's example has been closely followed by the "Mad Mullahs" of Iran and 
their Islamist allies. The USA (And such, if any, of its allies who are honest and have a minimum of courage) must not follow the example set by the UK's
(And other) "Surrender Monkeys". THAT SURRENDER WAS CALLED DIPLOMACY.

For myself, I maintain that the conflict with today's Iran is only one example  of the 1400-history of Jihad-waging Islam VS. civilized nations and cultures.

Just in the case that you ask, I have put my life at risk by dangerous military service. On that base, I maintain that any American citizen/resident who commits even one overt act in support of the Iranian war against the USA is guilty of TREASON----Conviction of which (Perhaps by a Military Commission as were the assassins of President Lincoln) can bring a death sentence.


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