Sunday, September 01, 2019

The Texas Mass Shooting, Dems & Weapons Of Mass Destruction

The weekend's mass shooting, in Texas, has brought back to my mind the following:
1. The real mass murders in the USA are those inflicted in a few cities, [ie Ruled by Democrats (ie Now "Democrat-Socialists") for many decades] each and every week which yields death tolls far greater than the "official death tolls of mass shootings";
2. This (And like) events have brought forth the usual, by those Socialist-Democrats, demands for the taking away from law-abiding (And legally presumed sane) citizens (ie Which does include those between 18 and 21 years-of-age) modern and effective weapons---Even though the (Vast?) majority of such murders are committed by members or supporters or clients of their Party;
3. I know of a "Weapon Of Mass Destruction", costing less than $3.00 and requiring NO special skills or knowledge, which has been used in the USA, which can murder dozens of victims;
4. I know of other WMD which can be put-together with a low level of mechanical skills and from legally obtained materials which can slaughter all in a very large crowd or destroy a large building (eg A modern high school) or, likewise, destroy an entire, residential, neighborhood (For obvious reasons I will not describe those WMD noted in #3 & #4);
5. Guns are used (Often by the "mere" display) by the cited, good, citizens to prevent more harm (Up to 80-times) to innocents that the sum of all harms caused by criminal's misuse of firearms.

I must also note that "The right to keep and bear arms" (ie Without "infringement") is the individual right of all law abiding citizens (ie Who have not, by a court-of-law and after a full due process hearing been found too mentally ill to exercise that right).

I add the view that: Semi-automatic rifles (With large magazines), especially those modeled after the AR-15, which are in lower calibers, are the ideal weapon for women and trained youths to defend against home or business invasions; And, such weapons are now commonly used for hunting---Especially those feral pigs who destroy, each year, many hundreds-of-thousands of dollars of farms' products.


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