There are dangers in the unrestrained exercise of Capitalism and of Socialism. Without some just restraints, both act like a
runaway nuclear reactors.
Unrestrained capitalism can and has led to such grossly and unjust quality of life" differences between a few "bosses" and the vast mob of
"under-persons" and that with only a very small part of the population
(ie "Middle Class"), between high-and-low, who are necessary to maintain
the most essential services.
Throughout the USA that model is supported by the providing of low-paid workers (ie Peasants/Serfs) by the present lack of effectively keeping such
from entering the USA by illegal immigration.
In today's USA that perversion is most exactly had in the "Silicon Valley"
Fascism which is changing California into a Feudal state/State. (The "bosses" of that diseased culture also are very much opposed to the People's right to
free speech and the "keeping and bearing of arms" as proclaimed in our
Bill Of Rights.)
History has clearly demonstrated that unrestrained Socialism (ie Sometimes under the alternative title of "Communism") has resulted in genocide (Sometimes by selective starvation as in the USSR or in today's, Socialist, Venezuela). These crimes-against-humanity were inflicted by such "Lovers Of Democracy" as Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and others of that ilk. They are now being used against the opponents of Venezuela's Socialist rulers with
that misery being shared among the vast majority of the citizens of that, once rich-and-peaceful nation--But not to its chubby-to-fat leaders. (The bosses of such, uncontrolled and most, Socialist nations are also opposed
to: The fullness of free speech and press; And, any armed citizens who are not very, very, loyal supporters of those nation's bosses (eg Hitlers SA; Party "Faithful" in Venezuela).
The "National Socialists", led by Hitler, very quickly joined forces with that
nation's capitalists to ruin a once great nation whose scientists and others
led the World's thinking, culture and invention.
In today's USA there is "a clear and present danger" of a like joining between
the Democrat-Socialists (Who, as truly-traditional Democrats led the way
towards making the USA a model of generosity, economic progress and
personal freedom for the vast majority of Americans) AND the above-described Fascists who would pervert the making of the USA into the economically exceptional land which leads the World in "Social Justice".
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