Friday, April 06, 2018

National Defense Zone On Southern Border

As an "Old Navy Hand" I recall that there were and are places, including along our nation's shorelines, as exclude citizens and other unqualified persons, from entry. Although most of these areas have been or are used for "live fire exercises" other such zones (Unless my memory has failed me) were for other national security reasons.

I must wonder if such a zone can be established North (eg 1000 yards) from our border with Mexico:
1. Would declare its residents and their ("Checked out") guests, employees and agents as authorized persons;
2. Would be under only military law (By Act Of Congress) as would exclude the jurisdiction of civilian courts;
3. Might not be in urban areas where the Border Patrol could saturate those places;
4. Provide commissioned officers of our Armed Forces the authority to arrest unauthorized persons found in those zones and to use enlisted personnel to do so;
5. Authorize, if not require, them to force across our Southern border any persons entering those zones from the South---And, to use any level of force to do so; And,
6. Authorize, if not require, them to immediately use lethal force against any persons "presenting a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" against members of our armed forces or authorized civilians in those zones.

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