Wednesday, December 04, 2019

"Advantages" Of Deaths By Illegal Drugs

If, and only if, we reject  moral teachings (eg Of Jews, Christians an Sikhs), then the deaths (And reduction in the USA's "Life Expectancy) by such illegal drugs as fentanyyl does provide our nation with some long-term advantages:
1.. It removes from the human genome, in the USA, those who have an "addictive personality" which may have a genetic base or, at the least, one based on transmitted social/cultural habits;
2. That, in turn, reduces the population of those who support the manufacturees, importers and distributors of those drugs;
3. Which reduces the income of the enemies of the USA (ie The PRC) and of all humans (ie All those noted in #2 above);
4. May reduce the number of deaths-by-firearm, the (Vast?) majority of which are inflicted by and upon Black thugs (ie Using only illegally possessed handguns) involved in "the drug trade" which very specific deaths are not reported by "politically correct" academics, officials and The Media as a part of the reduction in the USA's life expectancy;
5. May well reduce the huge sums of the USA's wealth (In dollars) sent out of our Republic and chiefly to organized criminals; And,
6. Which may reduce the tyranny of those slugs as is basic to the corruption of Mexico and Central American nations which is one of the reasons for the mass of illegal immigrants invading the USA and costing billions of dollars to our citizens and legal-immigrants.

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