The fact that the "Daddy" of a potential criminal (ie Hunter Biden) is a candidate for the Presidency is NOT a block
to POTUS (ie Donald J. Trump) asking for an investigation about any such criminal acts committed-in or inflicted-upon
an ally of the USA.
In fact, a failure to bring such, possible, criminal conduct to the attention of the President of The Ukraine would appear
to be a violation of both a treaty between the our and that nation and a violation of President Trump's oath to enforce
the relevant laws (eg About fraud and the abuse of the power of the Vice-Presidency)!
Those who would give Joseph Biden (And his improbable son) immunity from queries as to possible-to-probable
criminal conduct appear to be members/supporters of one-or-more of the following groups:
1. The Democrat-Socialist-Fascist Party; Or,
2. The "Never-Trumpers" who have infested such as The National Review and unsuccessful GOP candidates for the
Presidency; Or,
3. Saboteurs operating out-of and for "The Deep State"; Or,
4. Victims of early onset senility.
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