Thursday, August 15, 2019

First Peoples Symbols

I am the son and grandson of (Legal) immigrants and was born in the USA. I am a "NATIVE AMERICAN".

The descendants of thousands-of-years earlier immigrants should be designated as ""FIRST PEOPLES" and not "Native Americans".

The use of the word "Mascot" is "loaded" in favor of those (Oh so "politically correct"!) social justice 'warriors' (sic)" who would remove the symbols of First Peoples from representing, for example, high schools.

Strangely enough, I support that removal when advocated. Why? Because those symbols did represent a People who, so clearly, demonstrated courage, endurance, loyalty and other such virtues. Those who would erase those symbols are supporters of a Soviet style, loose-leaf, history and are unworthy of any connection with representations of those who represent those, or any, virtues.

Some of those First Peoples (eg Florida's Seminoles) are proud-and-pleased to have symbols of their members publicly used, shown and honored.

I must wonder if a secret ballot (ie Without the use of that, most biased term, "Mascot") by the registered members of the many "bands" and "tribes" would result in a support of using such symbol.

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