Wednesday, July 31, 2019

On Mass Murders/Killings/Woundings

There does not appear to be any "official" definition of "Mass Shootings Or Murders". As best as I can determine the following is the very variable, common, definition: Three-to-five or more deaths or injuries in a single event or short period of time [ie Not including the offender(s)].

Depending of which variables are accepted, there may be a decrease in such "events" (Most specially in schools) over the last several years. (The number of such victims is minute compared to the ongoing murders in such places as Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago and other like cities (As have been under the control of Democrats for many, many, years).

As investigating and reporting on some other variables has been too "politically incorrect" for police or "media" reporting, it appears that most (ie Approaching 100%?) of such killings have been inflicted in the USA by:
1. Members-of or contributors-to or clients-of The Democrat Party or by Socialists; Or,
2. Muslims or their co-actors waging the commanded Jihad against those they consider as "unbelievers" (eg As in San Bernardino, CA or in a Florida nightclub).

In recent weeks there have been some "Mass Killings" (ie If the low range of victims is accepted as defining that term) in the USA. In recent weeks there was a mass killing in Japan (ie Which has draconian laws against private possession of firearms) by use of "a pail of gasoline".

That same method has been used in the USA.

I know of some other WMD which can be easily constructed by unskilled or semi-skilled persons from legally purchased materials which can: Destroy a crowd of people in an open setting; Or, destroy a medium-plus sized building (eg A high school building); Or, "take out" a suburban neighborhood. (For obvious reasons I will not provide details here!)

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