Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Attack On Tucker Carlson's Home

Mr. Tucker Carlson's home was attacked by a mob (Yes, "mob") of AntiFa thugs who even went to a entry-door and beat on it. That attack represents "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" (OR a reasonable fear of such) as allows any American to use any, even deadly, force to resist or stop.

I note that the District Of Columbia police did not arrive quickly enough to arrest those Fascist criminals. 

The bosses of that jurisdiction have made it all-but-impossible for good citizens, as is Mr. Carlson, to buy, keep and bear modern and effective arms (eg Semi-automatic rifles as the civilian model of the AR-15 or concealable pistols) even in their own homes! [Those Democrats appear to be very interested in keeping law-abiding (And presumed legally sane) from destroying members of very dangerous mobs and other violent criminals  I must wonder if they fear such a culling would reduce their Party's power base!

Yet, Mr. Carlson (And his family and friends AND all good citizens) should not be angry at those critters!


Because the emotion of anger interferes with the proper-aiming and accurate-firing of those modern and effective guns---At such criminal-targets.

[We should note that AntiFa does not seem to be active in Wisconsin, Texas and like states which have many, many, thousands of citizens licensed to carry concealed weapons. Those free States do not (Usually) restrict all law-abiding, sane, citizens (Including those from 18 to 21 years-of-age) from buying and keeping rifles and shotguns.]

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