Senator Sanders has proclaimed a new American Revolution as will change our Republic "from the bottom up".
That is, he wishes to change that America which has:
1. Welcomed more legal immigrants than any other nation;
2. Allowed entry of many Muslim immigrants even though many of them will not denounce the anti-civilization, unalterable and murderous commands of Islam;
3. Been the goal of many illegal immigrants who have, with prior knowledge of the dangers, risked murder, other death, rape and other horrors for the chance of entry into the USA;
4. Been the primary opponent of such genocidal monsters as the Hitler, the old Imperial Japan, Mao, Saddam Hussein, Stalin and those waging Jihad;
5. Finally developed (Through private efforts and with a minimum of government action) an economy which has reduced the number of unemployed to record low levels and provided employment for all who are willing to work and have prepared themselves for employment in today's USA.
I have no doubt but that enforcing that Socialist-to-Communist revolution will include, like in starving Venezuela, the taking of modern-and-effective guns away from all but the "best friends" of the new rulers.
Is this the America you want?
Is this a plan which will require real Americans to follow Thomas Jefferson's prescription: "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"; “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. LET THEM TAKE ARMS.”
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