Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Missing From President Trumps Session On Guns

I did listen to today's "listening session" or "workshop" as to guns as sponsored by President Trump.

Missing from that session were, at the least, the following facts/points.

1. It is not only the NRA as is against raising the age to purchase (ie Own, "keep and bear"?) such long arms as semi-automatic rifles. It is the Constitution of the USA as per both Amendments-II and IV as is firmly against any such (State or Federal) law! Our requirement for "equal justice under law" requires all (Law-abiding and legally presumed sane) citizens to all have the same constitutional rights. The proposed change in the age-requirement to buy long-arms would be a clear "Violation Of Civil Rights Under Color Of Law"! THOSE 18 TO 21 YEAR OLD PERSONS ARE CITIZENS!

At age 17-years-young I enlisted in the US Navy and found myself in what was then (Oh so long ago) one of that service's five/six most dangerous (Enlisted grade) specialties. My age-peers, who also enlisted in other services, had access to machine guns and even more dangerous weapons. The proposed change is a very great insult to those best citizens who now enlist before 21-years-of-age. Politicians should remember that the most "conservative" of our citizen-youths vote and will not be pleased with that deprivation of their constitutional rights.

2. During that session I listened to the ongoing vomiting out of the term "Gun Show Loop Hole". The factis that only about two-to-three percent of firearms used in criminal acts are bought at such events and may be bought by such persons (As the Florida high school monster) who can clear "record checks".

3. The vast majority of gun-using mass killers are Democrats---With no contributions to such massacres by, as far as I know, members of the National Rifle Association (Upon request I will provide proofs of that claim; But, note that journalists and police are not looking into that source of pathology.)

4. There are such "weapons of mass destruction" (Which I will NOT describe here) which: Can be easily manufactured, without great technical skills, from inexpensive materials as are legally-and-legally obtained; And, can destroy a large building (eg A school building) or entire residential neighborhood or massacre large groups of people (eg The crowds of students leaving at the end of school days).

5. Teachers need not (And should not) "carry" guns within schools. The best arrangement is to have those pistols contained in biometric lock boxes which are bolted to insides of desk drawers AND which will instantly open by the the teacher touching an authorized-person-only sensor.

6. There are many skilled instructors who have already trained teachers and others to effectively use handguns in a very limited number of hours of training. (The best of such training appears to use "paint ball guns" for "force on force training".)

7. Semiautomatic rifles are, in fact, being used on a more-and-more basis for hunting. They are the best weapon for women and trained youths for home defense (For reasons I will provide upon written request)

Mexico's Teaching USA On Gun Control

 The USA has had both people and "lessons" as immigrants.

The March 5, 2017 issue of The National Review contained Mr. Jay Nordlinger's "Reporting Under The Gun" as presents the slaughter of journalists in Mexico which continues without the punishment of that semi-nation's far too many assassins.

Missing from that otherwise excellent offering was the fact that Mexico has taken from its law-abiding citizen-slaves all modern-and-effective firearms. [That deprivation appears to be the goal of the "leaders" of the USA's Democratic (sic) Party.]

In Mexico unarmed high-school students, journalists and many others are "liquidated" by ordinary criminals, narco-criminals, corrupt police, even more corrupt public officials and other criminals.

Now, do we (Law-abiding and legally-presumed-sane) Americans have the ability and wisdom to learn the lessons offered us by "The Mexican Experience"?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sheriff Scott Israel's Shirts

After listening to Broward County (Florida) Sheriff Scott Israel's multiple attacks on The Bill Of Rights (Direct on Article-II and indirect on Article-I) it is apparent that he should change the color of his uniform shirt from puke green to brown or black and either with a red, black and white fylfot armband.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Short-Term Benefits Of Limiting 2nd Amendment Rights

After the Florida high school massacre (As allowed by cowardly deputy sheriffs) there are those who would extend "infringements" on the individual and constitutional rights of:
1. Law abiding and presumed sane citizens who are 18 to 21 years-of-age by halting their right to buy the same long-arms as allowed older adults and continue the same violations-of-rights as now inflicted by not allowing them to purchase handguns or obtain permits/licenses to carry concealed weapons; Or,
2. Forbidding all, even older (Law abiding and presumed sane), citizens access to modern and effective firearms as allows them to defend themselves or innocent others---Especially when civil police are unable or (As in Florida or at the Columbine High School or a Florida night club) unwilling to do so;
3. The most common faux "Assault Rifles" offer our smaller and weaker fellow citizens (eg Women) a manageable and accurate weapon as allows them to defend self and innocent others from criminal attacks (eg "Home invasions as are often inflicted by multiple thugs and can require multiple "hits" to stop)

Those acts violate the very exact maxim given us by Founder Benjamin Franklin: "They who can give up an essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"!

Here, I note that there are "weapons of mass destruction" which:
4. Include trucks as might be used to murder children upon their mass leaving of schools at the end of each school-day;
5. Can easily (Without extraordinary technical abilities) be made from legally obtained materials;
6. Can destroy a large building (eg A high school building) or an entire residential neighborhood;
7. I will not describe for obvious reasons.

Even the banning of all, civilian held guns (Or only semiautomatic rifles with large magazine)  would only be temporary safety. (Which efforts would likely begin an armed civil war).

Insulting President Jefferson

Anyone who insults President Jefferson must: First demonstrate his/her equally great or superior contributions to our Republic; And, be subjected to a forensic examination of their life as to sexual-offenses OR any crimes..

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pope Francis VS. The Church

The current "Bishop Of Rome" (aka Pope Francis) has compromised (ie Surrendered to) the Atheistic tyrants who misrule China (PRC) and given them control over the appointment of real Catholic Bishops in that land.

As a (Self-declared) "Avocational Historian" the closest fits to that compromise, as treason to civilization, are:
1. The UK's Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's compromise with Hitler as allowed the Nazis control of Czechoslovakian's best natural and augmented defenses as allow their conquest of that nation;
2. The USA's compromises, of the 1850s, with the slavery supporting states as allowed them to better arm and prepare for rebellion; And,
3. Bishop Francis's compromises-with and betrayal-of truth and reality as to Islam and the Jihad waging, orthodox, Muslims.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Young Citizens & Guns

At 17-years young, I enlisted in our armed forces. Thereafter, I found myself in one of the US Navy's five/six most dangerous, enlisted grade, specialties. After my Honorable Discharge I served in dangerous (Paid and unpaid) civilian service directly towards the physical safety of my fellow Americans. Some of my age-peers (Who also entered our military services) had immediate access to fully automatic, true, assault rifles and even more dangerous weapons as had in the defense of all of us.(Did you or anti-gun Fascists so serve?)
At 79-years I am more than confused than is usual by the following.
1. Those 18-years of age are : Are able to vote; Manage their own financial and personal affairs; If males, are liable to The Draft; Are automatically liable to criminal prosecution (Some at earlier ages) if accused of crimes; And, can enter into and be held responsible-for civil contracts.
2. Yet, they and other citizens, under 21-years of age,are not allowed to purchase hand-guns or, were otherwise allowed, to obtain a permit/licence to carry concealed weapons.
3. Why do legislators, university officials and other officials AND judges fail to understand that the Founders of our Republic meant exactly what they stated when they included the "Shall Not Be Infringed" clause in the Second Amendment to our nation's Constitution?
4. From where is the constitutional authority for public authorities to limit and infringe-upon (Law abiding and legally presumed sane) citizens (***), under 21 and over 18-years old, their full rights under The Bill Of Rights to buy,keep and bear arms (eg On public university properties)?
*** Properly excluded from such rights are those who have been found, but only by a court-of-law and only after full "due process-of-law", who: To be felons who lose such rights for such periods-of-time as prescribed by laws; Those found mentally incompetent to manage their affairs; And, specially, those who have been found too dangerously mentally ill to "keep and bear arms".

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Some Questions On Gun Control

1. If some armed monster attacked the school (Without an armed officer immediately at that place) in which your child//grandchild was as student, which alternative would you prefer:
a. Teachers throwing their bodies in front of "their" children, absorbing some bullets and allowing the terrorist to walk around their bodies and massacre children (eg Sandy Hook Elementary School; That Florida High School ); Or,
b. Have multiple teachers use their concealed handguns to shoot that critter to pieces?

2.  If some "crazy" neighbor came charging at you house holding a pail of gasoline, what would you do:
a. Wave your "Mothers' March Against Guns" T-shirt at him/her; Or,
b. Call "911" and be incinerated while waiting for police to arrive; Or,
b. Use your modern and effective firearm (eg An AR-15) to shoot him down at a safe distance from your most precious home?

3. If your child/grandchild's older sister was home alone with them and someone broke into that home, would you have that, unable to call "911"(Presumed teen):
1. Offer up her body with the faint hope that would protect younger children; Or,
2. Pull out the family gun (eg An AR-14 as, are many such, used for hunting,which she was trained to use) and "liquidate" the intruder?

Friday, February 16, 2018

Distance, Self-Defense, Handguns & Schools

From such information as is available to be, the usual self-defense use of handguns is about 25-feet OR less.

That is well within the usual distances between sub-university teachers' podiums or desks and classroom doors.

[At age 70-plus years I self-trained with a semi-automatic handgun to the level that my rapid-fire performance put seven of eight rounds in the head-target and most of those in the forehead. Such shooting did involve "charging, side-to-side" at the target.]

There is no doubt that younger teachers and other staff of those schools could perform as well with: Skilled trainers; Use of "Paint Ball Guns" for force-on-force training; And, most importantly motivated to use deadly force to protect "their children".

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Better Plan For School Defense

Dear Fellow NRA Members:
I am disappointed in your recommendation for having a armed police officer in every school.
I do not consider that an effective method for the following reasons.
A. The example of Columbine High School, where the on-site police officer ran away from the terrorists there, demonstrating that there are police less motivated to protect pupils that such as the Sandy Hook school staff who threw themselves between the shooter and those babies to act as bullet absorbers----To NO good effect!
B. The many rooms, multiple floors and long, often bent, hallways in many schools make one armed person of limited uses even if in close proximity to the site-of-maximum danger.
C. The moneys to be spent on such much too limited protection would be much better applied to the plan described below.
1.     Require all teachers and other school staff,, as a condition of employment and licensing, to be qualified in the close combat use of medium-to-large caliber handguns and, perhaps, carbines;
2. Such training should, by NRA-certified or other qualified instructors, probably not required more than 20-hours of hands-on training (On top of 2/3 hours of safety instruction) and must involve qualification every two-years at close-combat ranges [Considering the track record of the New York PD at the "Empire State Building Shootings", it would be well to insure that all instructors are, themselves, qualified shooters);
3. "Force-on-force" training, with paint ball guns, is recommended to provide the needed and painful lessons;
4. Such qualified school staff could buy their own guns (Tax deduction) or be reimbursed for such;
5. Qualified school staff would be required to CCW them while on duty;
6. Federal law could be satisfied by having the local Sheriff swear them in as "Special Deputies", with authority limited to the assigned school and grounds;
7. Where laws allow, those persons could obtain CCW licenses/permits and take their weapons home, otherwise a gun safe could be provided; And,
8. The office staff should have access to a carbine in such a safe as can be opened by biometric means.

Considering the NRA's very long support of citizen marksmanship, it would have been better for you to support the second plan provided above. Certainly, most teachers will demonstrate a more parent like desire for the protection of THEIR children than some peace officer, no matter how motivated. Being distributed throughout schools, such armed staff would provide a "clear AND present margin of safety”

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Prime Test Of Accusers Of Sexual/Other Abuse

Any person accusing another of sexual or other abuse should first be required to, upon oath/affirmation (Best before a Magistrate), provide all details [Date(s), Time(s), Location(s), Any witnesses, Any documentary evidence, Etc.]  as to their claims after being advised (On the record) that:
1. Any single falsehood implies that other statements are false or "questionable"; And,
2. That falsehoods may/should/must be criminally prosecuted as "Perjury" or "False Swearing" as might result in jail/prison sentences.

As such accusations have destroyed the careers, reputations and incomes of others, the above seems to be a reasonable pre-condition as directly supports "due process of law".

Friday, February 09, 2018

Pope Francis & Islam

After considering Pope Francis' latest self-removal from reality-and-truth by his various comments about Islam. I must declare that he is insane or senile or ignorant or pathologically lying about Islam and violence.

 First, the core-and-unalterable teachings of the criminal-terrorist ideology called "Islam" very much support the use of murderous violence against: Those who do not join that Nazi-like movement; And, within that disease, against those who hold local control of it or equally guilty governments. It appears that the Pope has not read the Koran (As I have), Hadith and Sharia OR is (For the pathological reasons listed above) is not applying that knowledge-and-reality to his statements.

Secondly, the 1400-year history of Islam, to this day, provide the examples of an uncountable number of orthodox Muslims who evilly inflict those horrid commands on their victims as individuals or pairs or bands or semi-nations or true nations. Those criminals are encouraged or allowed or commanded to use murder, rape, genocide, torture and other horrors to "serve" Islam---And, to satisfy their illicit lusts.

 Thirdly, those in civilized (ie Not ruled under Sharia) nations who commit such crimes as the Pope assigns to Italy do so in violation of the well known laws of their nations and are, most certainly, not given Islam's approval of such horrors for those waging its "Perpetual War" (Jihad).

 The lessons-of-history ( and current events clearly demonstrate that the only means of effectively "communicating" with such Muslims is by the effective use of deadly force---As defined and approved by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (A "Doctor Of The Church") in his De Laude Militae Novae .

 By his statements and deniing-of-reality Pope Francis makes himself co-guilty with the above-cited monsters.

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Good-By England; Hello Islamostan

The below was received (And slightly edited by me) from a British "Ex-Pat" now living in a Commonwealth nation.

The Left in the USA; Supports the immigration of Muslim immigrants (Over Christians) from the Middle East; Attacks (With threats of criminal prosecution) those who even ask questions about the criminal-terrorist ideology termed "Islam"; Protects, by police & judicial misconduct, Muslims who physically attack Christians in public spaces; Have allowed the infusion of Sharia (ie Islamic law which is opposed to "equal justice under law") into some of our courts; And, attempts to take away modern-and-effective firearms (As has been done in the United Kingdom) as would allow them to immediately and effectively suppress (Please forgive the redundancy) Islamist-Violence in such places as Orlando and San Bernardino.
                          GOOD-BY ENGLAND
I thought this might give you a better understanding of the insidiousness of Hijrah; that's the takeover of a nation without going to war.  Don't think for a moment that America is not a target or that there are no American cities where Islamic and Sharia victories and takeovers have already occurred. It's time for border control, or start planning for a very big goodbye to the western way of life!

Here's what has already happened to England within a few years of opening their borders without any entry control:

How the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion:

       Mayor of London ... MUSLIM
       Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
       Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM
       Mayor of Blackburn .. MUSLIM
       Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM
       Mayor of Oxford .. MUSLIM
       Mayor of Luton .... MUSLIM
       Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
       Mayor of Rochdale .... MUSLIM

All the following achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population:

       Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
       Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
         Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils

Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK

Muslim Women..78% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Men...63% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing

Muslim Families...6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT! (Whose producers send money to terrorists)

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Peace In Palestine & The Gaza

There are only two, alternative, means of reaching peace in Palestine and The Gaza.

I. That the Muslims of both areas perpetually, absolutely and effectively reject their position & teachings that Israel must be destroyed and is not to have the borders as now exist---And to severely punish anyone who attacks Israel.

II. That Israel remove all people and buildings from those places, allow the only plants there to be some variety of creeping-grass and declare those areas as "free fire zones"


(I am not of the Jewish Faith nor do I have any financial interests or friends or relatives in The
State Of Israel.)

Stopping Payments To "Palestinian Authority"

   It has been reported that President Trump is considering the stoppage of payments to the "Palestinian Authority". Please note that I, very much, approve of that action as that disorganization is a supporter and, likely, initiator of terrorism. 
      The cited payments may not be as dangerous as the treasonous transfer of moneys to Iran by Barack Hussein Obama, but  is still a support of a "clear and present danger" as inflicted on the world by that arm of violent Jihad.

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Why Democrats Support Gun Control

      The possibility of law-abiding citizens using guns to effectively-and-immediately stop criminal attacks may well be the reason that the mis-leaders of the Democratic (sic) Party have taken the lead in attempts to deprive our fellow citizens of modern-and-effective firearms. That is, the effective-and-immediate use of firearms, by law abiding citizens, to "put down" dangerous criminals is more likely to reduce the Democrat's “power base” than otherwise.