Monday, January 15, 2018

Only Some "African" Immigrant Needed In USA

In recent times some, in my nation, had proposed that the USA "needs more immigrants from Africa".

That is agreeable to me---If, and only if, the ability of individual immigrants to positively contribute to the "Common Good" of the USA is ignored and group selection is favored, we should look for populations who have a culture or tradition as has already produced educated, knowing our English language and with a cultural commitment to obeying such laws as are democratically enacted.

Two such groups can be found in South Africa. They are the Afrikaners and those known in that land as "The English". 

Therefore, the "Africans" we should encourage (And recruit), as members of  identifiable groups, to immigrate into our Republic should be from the two, best qualified, African groups noted above.


PS---I can, again, expect that some will call me a "Racist". However, I am a "Culturist" (sic) who knows those committed to the best of what remains of Western Civilization have-made and will-make a better USA.

HISTORIC NOTE/QUESTION: Some have claimed that the original inhabitants of that land were not "Black", but of another indigenous race, and that Blacks were driven South to SA by other and more aggressive Blacks not too long before the Afrikaners went inland.

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