Monday, January 29, 2018

Make America White Again---FOR CAUSE

The Left-Coast's "Botox Lady" has raged against our constitutionally-elected President as someone attempting to "Make American White Again".

As an American who studied history before this "politically correct" age, I must note that Whites planted the first, very slow growing, seeds of democracy in Greece a very long time ago as was very divergent from the autocratic rule in most of the world then (And, too much, now) as in the Persian and Chinese empires.

That democracy grew in the mountains of the Swiss Cantons as supported and defended, by loss of lives, by the men of those places against the tyranny of foreign autocrats.

It was almost totally White, Christian, males who:
1. Invented, nurtured and developed real universities;
2. Have been awarded the vast majority of Nobel Prizes;
3. Invented parliamentary (More-or-less) democracy in England;
4. Fought and won our first American Revolution on the basis of the (Then still undeveloped) ideas in the Declaration Of Independence as largely written by a White man now insulted by very inferior persons;
5. Invented a new form of government by our Constitution and declared citizen's rights through The Bill Of Rights (Both under the ongoing attacks of too many judges, legislators, bureaucrats and other political tyrants);
6. Suppressed and destroyed the slave culture (Which, by-the-way, is approved by Islam and is still practiced in some Muslim dominated lands) of the Confederacy; And,
7. Have been and are the primary combatants of our Armed Forces who destroyed the Nazis and the Japanese war-lords and take the lead and physical risks of fighting the evil forces of (Pray excuse the redundancy) Islamic-Terrorism.

In other words, Whites are the well-source of what remains of personal liberties and the superior Western Civilization in the United States of America.

I suggest that we retain and do not muddy the best of the life-and-liberty waters of that well.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Iowa Caucuses VS. Democracy

As far as I can tell, Iowa's "Caucus" system is very anti-democracy in nature as it appear to exclude from the democratic process those Iowa citizens who are:
1. Members of our Armed Forces whose duties, in places far from Iowa, protect us from very evil men and their anti-civilization ideologies;
2. The aged and infirm who are physically unable to attend or fully participate in the demanding caucus meetings;
3. Adult students enrolled in schools far from their election districts and without the funds for overnight travel to and from such caucuses;
4. Those (eg Medical workers, fire-fighters, many law-enforcement officers, prison guards) whose essential duties keep them from caucuses;
5. Such persons employed in transporting goods-and-services so essential to all of us, those employed in industries/businesses whose work-schedules exclude participation ;
6. Homemakers who are unable to either take children to such events or to sustain/control them during that demanding process; And,
7. Of course, those citizens who do NOT wish their political preferences  known to their neighbors.

If Iowa effectively provides for those persons, those measures have not been made known to me. It seems to me that primary elections with absentee ballots available to needful persons is superior to any caucus circus.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Science & Federal Spending

If some power plant in California/Wisconsin/Alabama sent its output to our Republic's capital and had all those megawatts returned to the transmitting State that would involve a very great "transmission loss" and a gross violation of well established science/engineering principles.

Sending moneys to Washington (DC) for return to the "Several States" is a very like exercise in "transmission loss" due to the costs of supporting an over-paid and much too large Federal bureaucracy.

Of course, some of that is necessary for such matters as directly involve national defense and security.

However, that loss (ie Waste) of the People's hard-earned tax-payments can be usefully limited by cutting many Federal departments (eg The Department Of Education) and agencies and allowing the States to exercise their powers (ie Under the Tenth Amendment to our Constitution) and duties.

I Was A Democrat

25 February 2017

I was a Democrat in the days of such great-and-honest men as President Harry Truman and Member of Congress Clement Zablocki.

For only that reason I listened to today's "Victory Speech" of Mr. Tom Perez, the new Chairman of the DNC. I had hoped that Democrats would return to the reasoned policies and practices of such honest men as cited above. That would help bring all Americans back together from some extremists in the GOP and the "far out" drive of the Democratic (sic) Party' "leadership" to leave behind our ConstitutionThe Bill Of Rights and our "exceptionalism" as based on the best principles of Western Civilization (In turn based on the best of Judeo-Christian teachings and evolving away from earlier primitive practices).

 I am sorry to report that I heard a speech as out-of-contact with reality as the "Victory Speeches" ranted-out by Adolf Hitler as the shells from Soviet cannon were hitting Berlin. Mr. Perez' speech had the same qualities of hysteria and pathological divorce from reality as did his earlier, hopefully unintentional, model.

He even, while calling for his Party's efforts in winning State elections, did not dare to admit that the GOP has steadily been winning control of State Houses and State Legislature   against the efforts of a Party moving so far from traditional American values as to be in another universe, "far, far, away".

 The Democrats elected (By mob acclamation) Keith Ellison-Muhammed as "Deputy DNC Chair". That Islamist has, as far as I know, never rejected-and-condemned the horrid, anti-civilization and unalterable teachings of Islam as command "perpetual war" (Jihad) against all "unbelievers" (99% of our fellow Americans) and allows or encourages or commands the use of murder, rape, torture, genocide, banditry and other horrors by those waging Jihad.

 They would have done better to place Jabba The Hutt in that "Deputy Chair" position---Or, in the primary Chair.

If I were more Republican than American I would thank the Democrats for insuring future GOP victories outside of our two "Left Coasts" as under Fascist occupation.

Friday, January 19, 2018

ICBMs, Cancer & False Positive/Negative "Outcomes"

I have waited some days to comment on the (Many of which were asinine) statements made by politicians, "journalists" and others as to the false, "Incoming ICBM", warning in Hawaii.

For cancer a "False Positive" can only lead, as time and further testing provides, for proofs that there is not cancer. A "False Negative" may yield the progression of that disease until it is far too late to save the patient's life.

As to ICBMs, a "False Positive" only produces some confusion, corrections in the alerting system(s) and, as recently inflicted on the People, misleading, inaccurate and biased (eg Against President Trump who was not involved in this matter) and other displays of pathology.

An ICBM "False Negative" would result in the murder of millions of our fellow Americans---And, a dangerous delay in converting the attacking nation into a field of shallow, class-lined and slightly radioactive craters.

It does seem best to be biased in favor of the "risk" (sic) of "False Positives".

Democrats & Treason

The "movers and shakers" of the Democratic (sic) Party are stopping the renewal of our armed forces (ie By, at the very least, insuring that its equipment is combat ready and our "Troops" are in the same state by sufficient training) by blocking a proper and needed (ie Two year) funding of the DOD. 

Their immediate motive for doing so is to protect those persons who were illegally inflicted on the USA AND, upon reaching adulthood, illegally remained in our Republic. [It has been, with some evidence, claimed that the underlying motive of that Party is to import those who will support their Party and will, legally or illegally, vote for their candidates as did the immigrant supporters of the also corrupt "Tammany Hall".]

That blocking of a fully prepared Armed Forces is "Aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States". (And that at a time of "clear and present" and increasing military threats to American citizens and legal immigrants).


Bitcoin & Tulips

I have been, at a very low level, attending to the "Bit Coin" phenomena

As a (Self-declared) "Avocational Historian" I, most strongly, suggest that anyone considering involvement in that movement (Or, wondering if s/he should leave it) consider the "Tulip Mania" (About which information can be found on any, general-knowledge) search engine.

The thinking investor or other person might also look up "The South Sea Bubble" and "Ponzi Scheme" for other, possible, parallels.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Only Some "African" Immigrant Needed In USA

In recent times some, in my nation, had proposed that the USA "needs more immigrants from Africa".

That is agreeable to me---If, and only if, the ability of individual immigrants to positively contribute to the "Common Good" of the USA is ignored and group selection is favored, we should look for populations who have a culture or tradition as has already produced educated, knowing our English language and with a cultural commitment to obeying such laws as are democratically enacted.

Two such groups can be found in South Africa. They are the Afrikaners and those known in that land as "The English". 

Therefore, the "Africans" we should encourage (And recruit), as members of  identifiable groups, to immigrate into our Republic should be from the two, best qualified, African groups noted above.


PS---I can, again, expect that some will call me a "Racist". However, I am a "Culturist" (sic) who knows those committed to the best of what remains of Western Civilization have-made and will-make a better USA.

HISTORIC NOTE/QUESTION: Some have claimed that the original inhabitants of that land were not "Black", but of another indigenous race, and that Blacks were driven South to SA by other and more aggressive Blacks not too long before the Afrikaners went inland.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Trump & Some Nations/Peoples

Yes, President Donald Trump (May have) used very gross language to describe certain other nations and their citizens. I would not use such terms in any public setting.

However, I am still searching for some short expression to describe those nations with a majority of  people who:
1. Are too under-educated to contribute to any technology-based economy;
2. Traditionally resist learning English;
3. Traditionally resist accepting and complying with our laws;
4. Are pre-conditioned to accept and expect the bribery of officials as the normal way-of-life;
5. Are disease ridden at levels very far above the USA and that, too often, to such as varieties of TB as can , no longer, be cured; And,
6. Worst of all  Muslims who:Reject the concept and practice of "equal justice under law" if it applies to "unbelievers"; And, too often, exactly obey the unalterable and horrid commands of their criminal-terrorist ideology as provided below.

If, and only is, you can create a short expression to better, than President Trump, describe the above persons, please let me know.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Questions About DACA Immigrants

The "Media" and other unreliable sources are full of claims about the "Dreamers" now protected by the DACA "Executive Order" (ie NOT by a law passed by our democratically elected Member of The Congress).

All might well ask the below questions of those pimping for those illegal immigrants.

1. How many of those DACA protected persons are active duty members of our Armed Forces? (One source states less than 900.)
2. What number and part of those "illegals" have been excluded or removed from DACA protections due to criminal conduct?
3. How many of those now or once protected under DACA are or have been in the USA's jails and prisons?
4. What are the high school and college/university graduate rates for those persons?
5. What is the taxable income of those persons as compared with: The average or median of citizens and legal-immigrants; And, the like for our Black citizens (Especially those under 30-years of age)?

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Obama's Monument,Green Issues & Treason

The expanded plans for Chicago's "Obama Library" include the destruction of large parts of a park near the University Of Chicago.

Some might, reasonably, object to:
1. The increase in CO2 and other such materials to the atmosphere by the construction-of and visitors-to that architectural monstrosity;
2. The elimination of many plants as turn CO2 into healthy Oxygen; And,
3. The elimination of such parkland as reduces the "stress footprint" of those existing in the killing zone known as Chicago.

Since I no longer take myself, family, friends and my money to very dangerous Chicago, perhaps I should not comment on the above-cited insult to humanity: But, I am driven to express "politically incorrect" thoughts (Ravings?).

In considering like monuments, all should consider the unnamed statue of a boot at the US Military
Academy (West Point) as represents the leg lost by Benedict Arnold  (ie In military service as avoided by most journalists, academics and politicians) when he was still fighting for the independence of an unformed, but declared, independent United States of America.

Saturday, January 06, 2018

"Mental" Diagnoses Of President Trump

For some time there have been those who have "diagnosed" President Donald Trump as being "mentally ill" or "mentally deficient".

The average citizen has the constitutional right to do so. (You might review what was said and written about President Lincoln as even more gross insults.)

However, any person who is a licensed Social Worker/Psychologist/Psychiatrist, and self-identifies as such when proclaiming such "diagnoses", without personally examining our constitutionally elected President (Perhaps, also, using the valid-and-reliable Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is guilty of:
1. Such professional misconduct as should (Must?) preclude them from professional employment by any clinic or joint practice or university; And,
2. Perhaps, a (Criminal?) violation of the laws of the jurisdiction(s) which licensed them..


Because such anti-professionals are abusing the "authority" of their licensure to lend weight to political, non-professional, statements.

When such persons do so, a formal complaint should (Must?) be made-and-filed with the governing, licensing, agency and, perhaps, their employers if not totally self-employed.

Of course, any American can (With cause) accuse Hilary Clinton of several felonies and (Also with cause) accuse Barack Hussein Obama with TREASON.

Friday, January 05, 2018

The Law Of "Free Speech"

Although the below statements were directed towards public universities/colleges, they appear to apply to all government organizations.

The quote provided below is from Professor Eugene Volokh's editorial as published on May 11, 2017 by The Washington Post.

"The Supreme Court has made “crystal clear” that the government may not discriminate based on viewpoint, even in limited public fora such as university open spaces (or for that matter even university programs for funding student speech). Lower courts have consistently struck down campus speech codes aimed at supposedly bigoted speech. See, e.g., Dambrot v. Central Michigan Univ., 55 F.3d 1177, 1184-85 (6th Cir. 1995); DeJohn v. Temple Univ., 537 F.3d 301, 316-17, 320 (3d Cir. 2008); McCauley v. Univ. of V.I., 618 F.3d 232, 237-38, 250 (3d Cir. 2010); Iota Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity v. George Mason Univ., 993 F.3d 386, 388-89, 391, 393 (4th Cir. 1993); College Republicans v. Reed, 523 F. Supp. 2d 1005, 1010-11, 1021 (N.D. Cal. 2007); Roberts v. Haragan, 346 F. Supp. 2d 853, 870-72 (N.D. Tex. 2004); Bair v. Shippensburg Univ., 280 F. Supp. 2d 357, 373 (M.D. Pa. 2003); Booher v. Bd. of Regents of N. Ky. Univ., 1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 11404, *28-*31 (E.D. Ky. 1998); UWM Post, Inc. v. Regents, 774 F. Supp. 1163, 1165-66, 1173, 1177 (E.D. Wis. 1991); Doe v. Univ. of Mich., 721 F. Supp. 852, 856, 864-66 (E.D. Mich. 1989). And in Christian Legal Society v. Martinez (2010), the Court gave students’ freedom to “express any viewpoint they wish — including a discriminatory one” as an example of “this Court’s tradition of protect[ing] the freedom to express the thought that we hate” (quotation marks omitted). There is no First Amendment exception for hate speech” or “racist signs, symbols and speech.”. (Bold face emphasis added.)
Also, please note  Matal VS. Tam <> ;Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969) ; Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia515 U.S. 819 (1995):  <>; And, as to “prior restraint”, Near v. Minnesota, 283 U.S. 697 (1931)