The Left-Coast's "Botox Lady" has raged against our constitutionally-elected President as someone attempting to "Make American White Again".
As an American who studied history before this "politically correct" age, I must note that Whites planted the first, very slow growing, seeds of democracy in Greece a very long time ago as was very divergent from the autocratic rule in most of the world then (And, too much, now) as in the Persian and Chinese empires.
That democracy grew in the mountains of the Swiss Cantons as supported and defended, by loss of lives, by the men of those places against the tyranny of foreign autocrats.
It was almost totally White, Christian, males who:
1. Invented, nurtured and developed real universities;
2. Have been awarded the vast majority of Nobel Prizes;
3. Invented parliamentary (More-or-less) democracy in England;
4. Fought and won our first American Revolution on the basis of the (Then still undeveloped) ideas in the Declaration Of Independence as largely written by a White man now insulted by very inferior persons;
5. Invented a new form of government by our Constitution and declared citizen's rights through The Bill Of Rights (Both under the ongoing attacks of too many judges, legislators, bureaucrats and other political tyrants);
6. Suppressed and destroyed the slave culture (Which, by-the-way, is approved by Islam and is still practiced in some Muslim dominated lands) of the Confederacy; And,
7. Have been and are the primary combatants of our Armed Forces who destroyed the Nazis and the Japanese war-lords and take the lead and physical risks of fighting the evil forces of (Pray excuse the redundancy) Islamic-Terrorism.
In other words, Whites are the well-source of what remains of personal liberties and the superior Western Civilization in the United States of America.
I suggest that we retain and do not muddy the best of the life-and-liberty waters of that well.