Friday, March 30, 2007

The Economics Of Stem-Cell Research

If, and only if, embryonic stem-cell research were truly a "hot" investment opportunity, our domestic drug cartels (Excuse me, pharmaceutical companies) would be falling over their corporate feet in efforts to buy new "lines" of such cells and to conduct private research, protected under our trade secret laws, in efforts to develop very profitable cures for the various diseases which some claim to be achieved through such efforts.

However, the scientific and economic facts are that there is NO proof that embryonic stem-cell research offers any such opportunities. Therefore, most and responsible businesses are leaving such wastes of money to governments (So well known for waste) and to those universities which worship at the altar of the false gods of academic (Unproven but politically correct) theories.

If, and only if, embryonic stem-cell research were relatively safe and essentially immune from law suits for causing cancers and other horrid side effects, such private companies would feel much freer to involve themselves in such studies.

However, the legal and liability risks are such that responsible to stockholders executives are avoiding the John Edwards' type of civil suits and prefer to "allow" the government or usually public universities (We tax payers) to take the liability risks of such efforts.
[Since many attorneys are willing to risk much to collect more in law suits, it might be of interest to some of them to see if those who fund universities are really immune for damages caused by applications of embryonic stem-cell misadventures through the actions of their agents, such schools.]

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