Saturday, July 15, 2006

Christianity, Guns & The UN

There are altogether too many persons in the Holy See and the rest of the Catholic Church (And other Churches) who have climbed on the United Nations' bandwagon riding towards total gun control in this world. Those persons and that movement should be suppressed for the following reasons.

1.The United Nations is dominated by Islamic, Secular Humanist and other anti-Church nations who do all in their power to reduce Christianity to a state of impotence or seek to totally destroy it.
This is specially true for those nations with a Muslim majority as the vast part of the followers of that ideology believe that Allah has declared that there is a perpetual state-of-war between them and all others and that any means necessary to make unbelievers submit to Islam are justified and required. This includes the requirement that all Muslim males either be on military jihad or actively support those who are. The most recent sites of such conflicts are Nigeria, The Sudan, the Southern Philippines, India and, of course, the terrorist attacks against Israel, the United Kingdom, Spain and the USA.
In such places as Nigeria and The Sudan the question is not control of weapons,
but the lack of such means for self-protection by non-Muslims against unjust war acts by those already heavily armed by governments (Which support gun control).
Secular Humanist (ie Atheist) orientated nations are less overt about the
suppression of rights, preferring bureaucratic sanctions (Backed up by armed police)
to direct conflict and, therefore, may be more dangerous for that reason.
It seems very strange that the Church would ally itself with the very corrupt
UN in this and many other matters!

2.Many of the nations most in favor of stricter gun controls are those where human
rights (Including the right to worship according to personal beliefs OR to worship
in any manner OR that of other free speech) are most suppressed. I do not believe that it is consistent with Christianity's interest in the welfare of the People of God to support such governments' as so suppress those rights in this or other like matters.

3.All people have a natural law right to protect themselves, their families, their
neighbors and the products of their labors from unjust aggression. That right becomes meaningless unless they have ready access to the means to do so. As the police (If not the unjust aggressors or their allies) are seldom on-site to provide that protection, the maintenance of that natural-law right requires that the common people have ready access to modern weapons and ammunition without the control of such governments or ideologies as would violate their basic rights.

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