Nota Bene:
Comments may be sent to: James Pawlak, 8706 West Oklahoma Ave.
West Allis, WI 53227, USA; Or,
<>. For more of my thoughts (Ravings?)
please go to:
Thursday, August 27, 2020
This blog's primary thrust is to note the negative impact of Islam & Secular Humanism on true civilizations. Other topics are touched upon. I am a retired civil servant, with a strong interest in history, science fiction and with hobbies of making jewelry and irritating the editors of my local paper.
Nota Bene:
Comments may be sent to: James Pawlak, 8706 West Oklahoma Ave.
West Allis, WI 53227, USA; Or,
<>. For more of my thoughts (Ravings?)
please go to:
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Mao Zedong is likely to have been the most evil man and greatest mass-murderer to infest our world.
I Am A "Corporation"!2
It is interesting, but NO longer important, that Democrats:
There has been demands for "reparations" for for the descendants of that local surplus of Black slaves sold to Whites by the Black governments/leaders of Sub-Saharan Africa.
I suggest that the following be a much more complete and exact list of such persons or groups as must be co-equal in the granting of "reparations".
1. Those Blacks who are NOT descended from Blacks immigrating into the USA after the effective end pf the importation of Slaves into the USA..
2. Those Americans of Japanese descent (ie Some of whom were native born citizens of the USA) who were forced into concentration camps during World War-II.
3. The descendants of those Jewish refugees who attempted to obtain refuge from NAZI genocide by traveling on the MV Saint Louis and, were (In 1939) rejected by the USA and were among those fewer who survived a return to Europe and Hitler's extermination camps.
4. Those Jews, Druze and Christians who have fled the terrors imposed by those true-believing Muslims who have been).inflicted by the waging of Jihad against them (And were NOT provided the favored treatment given to Muslims by the Administration led by Obama & Biden as is the sound basis for any "reparations" to NOT include Muslims).
5. Those Americans of Chinese ancestry who were: "Imported" into the USA as "cheap laborers"; So grossly mistreated (ie Including being murdered) in California (And other parts of the USA" that the term "Chinaman's Chance" was invented to define "no chance at all"; Denied the opportunity to become citizens of the USA; Denied the civil rights provided our fellow citizens even if born in our Republic; Been the best example of immigrants overcoming such persecution, obtaining superior academic and other successes in the USA; And, have set an example of obeying our democratically-enacted laws to the extent that their part of our prison populations approaches Zero as does their rate of murdering each other.---AND, are the ongoing targets of racial prejudice and harm by such schools as Harvard University.(As continues to this day).
Testing the claims of such who request/demand such "reparations" must be closely examined by, unbiased and professional, geneticists and genealogists who are willing to "sign-off" and put their reputations at risk by their findings.
On 7 December 1941 the USA was, generally, very poorly prepared for war in spite of (Ignored) information provided the Administration of President FDR (A DEMOCRAT) was informed that the Imperial Japanese government was "up to something" and suppressed that information leaving our Fleet and Army Air Corps liable to destruction. It took months for the USA to counter that presidential bungling. [It was only some, most excellent, tactical decisions AND a very great sum of "dumb luck" as allowed the USA to stop the Japanese takeover of Midway and not provide our enemy with a platform for the invasion of Hawaii.]
First, please note that I am a veteran of dangerous military service and like civilian "work". During that latter employment, with a State "Corrections Department", I was required to take (Without weapons or tear gas or pepper spray) convicted criminals into physical custody. For the most part they cooperated; But, the "others" were subjected to "pain compliance" by use of bar-and-wrist locks. No "choke holds" were used.
Tear Gas (And pepper spray) allows police officers to control and disburse those mobs which, as such, "Present A Clear And Present Danger Of Death Or Great Bodily Harm" to those officers AND other of our good fellow Americans.
Those who view the use of such chemical agents as too dangerous to "The Environment" would do well to consider the alternatives listed below.
1. Rubber Bullets are, in theory, non-lethal; But, do present a great risk of serious-to-deadly "blunt force trauma". To be effective they must be aimed and individuals and, to prevent injury (Or death) to innocent others, aimed at the "Center Of Body Mass" OR in indiscriminate volley fire.
2. Allow mobs (Or even much smaller groups of violent criminals) to assault, murder, loot, commit arson, destroy whole communities and spread terror without any efforts to stop them.
3. Use the hollow point rounds from their hand guns or the "tumbling .223 caliber" rounds from rifles to immediately-and-effectively reduce the deadly risk of mobs, [That ammo is recommended as they are unlikely to pass through the carcasses of dangerous animals and injure or kill innocent humans.]
Should I congratulate you on the fact that Candidate Joseph Biden has selected a Black as his running mate?
Some have suggested (Demanded?) that Candidate Joseph Biden be subjected to a test of "Cognitive" ability. This appears to be based on his mis-speaking on many occasions. Some have, out of a sense of fairness (?), that President Trump be subjected to ehe same test(s).