Thursday, March 19, 2020

Why Democrats Support Gun Control---Updated

      The possibility of law-abiding citizens using guns to effectively-and-immediately stop criminal attacks may well be the reason that the leaders of the Democratic (sic) Party (ie Now the Democrat-Socialist-Fascist Party) have taken the lead in attempts to deprive our fellow citizens of modern-and-effective firearms. That is, the effective-and-immediate use of firearms, by law abiding citizens, to "put down" dangerous criminals is more likely to reduce the Democrat's “power base” than otherwise.  

For a long time I was confused about those tyrant's focus on eliminating the People's possession of AR-15s (And like semi-automatic rifles and all firearms with magazines holding more than 8-rounds) as it is a well established fact that ALL rifles are used to murder other Americans less than knifes or "blunt objects".
Then my aged mind finally concluded that such are the ideal weapons to liquidate tyrants and destroy tyrannies.

That is the fact feared by the above-named and would-be tyrants!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Viruses, Rallies, Conventions & Democracy

Many years ago I put my life at risk by enlisting in the US Navy. I was, indeed, was assigned to one of the five/six (Then) most dangerous, enlisted grade, billets. I survived and that undamaged in body and mind.

Our nation's VA-and-military hospitals and cemeteries are full of those who did not survive or now live in a very damaged state.

After that service I graduated university and was involved in "risky" (Paid and unpaid) civilian work as has been shared by many police officers, fire-fighters and other such heroes. Some of those also have "paid the price" of such duties.

For myself, I consider our "system" of political rallies and party-conventions essential to the maintaining of our Democratic-Republic.

If, and only if, we Americans still retain some small part of that courage (As demonstrated: From the Concord and Lexington of 1775 to those who today protect us us from those waging Jihad; And, the peace officers and fire-fighters of today) we should not avoid (ie Run away from) those, very public, demonstrations of our patriotic courage. Yes, there is some, very small, risk of physical harm or even death.

Is "bearing witness" to our nation at rallies, conventions and polling places still a part of our  People's character?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The More Dangerous Pandemics

"Looking at the numbers" about the deaths and suffering caused by COVID-19 it appears that it is very much LESS harmful than the more dangerous epidemics discussed below.

THE VIOLENCE IN AND FROM THE PRC: Although the PRC might be described as a "Socialist" nation (ie Like Stalin's USSR) the pattern of its violence against is (ie Especially non-Han) peoples and all the world is much
more a clone/copy of traditional Chinese imperialism AND governance. 

The USA must admit that The PRC has been in a state-of-war against our
Republic for many decades and that war includes: Military threats AND actions; Sending corrupted and even poisonous products into our nation; Active economic warfare; Industrial and academic espionage; And, perhaps purposeful, control of the sources of the antibiotics needed to fight-off endemics, epidemics and pandemics.

Any citizen of the USA who aids that nation's attacks on the USA are guilty of TREASON within the meaning set by our Republic's Constitution.

At the least, the USA must: Expel all citizens or agents of the PRC in private (Industrial and other) and public (University and other) research programs or facilities; Make it a (Felony?) violation of The Law for corporations to share "Trade Secretes" with The PRC; Embargo all imports from The PRC which do not meet our public health requirements; AND, IMMEDIATELY, ON A WARTIME BASIS, MAKE PROVISIONS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE ABOVE NOTED BIOLOGICALS IN THE USA.

I must wonder if the "Chinese Virus" (ie COVID-19) came out of the secret "Biological Research" (ie "Biological Warfare"?) facility in Wuhan (Hubei Province) China.

ARMED CRIMINAL VIOLENCE: In the USA the murders, maimings and other sufferings inflicted by young, illegally armed, Black (And Latino?) thugs is far greater than the cited, new, virus (ie This includes such as caused by the 
criminal misuse of motor vehicles).

 The solution to that infection is:
1. NOT to disarm law-abiding citizens who can "put down" those carriers of that disease during those "golden minutes" before arrival and effective action by police/deputies (If, and only if, they are able to summon such assistance); And,
2. NOT to treat such good-and-armed citizens as presumed criminals when they exercise their lawful right to "keep and bear arms" and use deadly force in self-defense or the defense of innocent others.

Very basic to greatly limiting this disease requires:
3. The very public statements of political officials and other "leaders" that the vast majority of such crimes are inflicted by those Blacks who commit more crimes, more serious crimes and them more often than Whites and almost infinitely more so that those born in or ancestry is in China, India, Korea and Japan OR who come from traditional Jewish families;
4. The expressed-and-exercised public policy of police and prosecuting attorneys to assume that any-and-all, law-abiding (ie Lacking a prior record of convictions for violent crimes) is innocent of any crimes after using or threatening-the-use of deadly force in the face of such criminal conduct as "presents a clear-and-present danger of death or great bodily harm to others; And,
5. Perhaps, the commitment of The Bar to provide, on a pro bono basis, especially qualified attorneys to defend those good citizens
described above in those cases (Or jurisdictions) where they are presumed to be criminals and persecuted for exercising their, above cited, rights.

ISLAMIST VIOLENCE: Throughout the wider world and for the last 1400-years the true-believing followers of Islam have inflicted like, criminal, violence as extends far beyond that described above as it has led to: Actual genocide; The destruction of two-thousand year old communities; The forced exile and migration of millions (ie Being the primary source of this era's refugees); Physical enslavement of many; And, the sexual abuse of females---Some as young as nine years-of-age. These crimes are in strict obedience to the commands of that fellow Mohammed (Of Mecca and Medina). 

Very basic to countering this pandemic is the very public declaration, within and without the USA,by public, religious and academic leaders of:
6. The facts of those unalterable teachings;
7. And that treaties (Or like agreements) with Muslims are not binding on them if such interferes with obeying those commands or achieving
the ultimate goal of Islam---The universal control of all humanity under Muslim, male, rule.

"SOCIALIST" VIOLENCE: For the last hundred-or-so years there have been millions of humans murders, tortured and enslaved by "Socialists" who include such as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and historic-and-current clones [I do not include the "People's Republic (sic) Of China as that nation's crimes are more a matter of traditional imperialism OR North Korea which is a case of insanity].

Basic to countering such "Socialists" are:
8. The very public declaration of the above-cited leaders that there has been no nation-wide "Socialism" without official murders (ie Up to genocide), deprivation of all civil rights (eg After disarming all citizens except the ardent supporters of the tyrannical-rulers) and a degeneration of "the quality of life" in such places (ie The Scandinavian nations are, at most, "Semi-Socialist" and now based on very active. capitalist, economies); And,
9. Maintaining those military forces AND economic practices fully capable of resisting the open and hidden aggression of "Socialists".

Saturday, March 07, 2020

Crime Victims & Race

Some years ago I was the supervisor of the Probation-And-Parole office which
supervised criminals from only ZIP 53206. That was the only one ZIP code 
P&P office in Wisconsin. I do/did have a "street level", face-to-face, knowledge of crime, criminals AND the (Most often) Black victims of Black thugs in  that district.

In reading the many rants against "mass incarceration" and "racism" I did not see any reference to any advocacy or those victims.

Any honest consideration of "Mass Incarceration"  of Blacks must include the 
statement: "Blacks commit more crimes, more violent crimes and them much more often than Whites and almost infinitely more than those of Chinese, Korean and Japanese ancestry---And, the majority of Black criminals victims are other Blacks".

In Milwaukee the vast AND disproportional number of both murderers (ie Including by reckless use of autos) and their victims are Black.

Although I admit that "coincidence is not (Necessarily) causation" I must note that the real decrease in the USA's rate of violent crime (ie Lower than about
100 other nations) has been co-temporal with:
1. The use of determinate sentencing and "mass incarceration" (sic); And,
2. The massive ownership of modern-and-effective guns by (Chiefly) law-abiding citizens of our Republic.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Responding To "Restorative Justice" Mistakes

The real "Restorative Justice", in such (San Francisco) cases as exampled above, is best provided by:
1. "Twp to the chest and one to the head"; OR,
2. A "double tap" to the head; OR,
3. Four inches with the point, twist, remove and rapidly repeat four-plus times; OR,
4. A four inch deep slash across the lower belly (老子中經) or throat; OR,
5. Like, lawful and effective use of lethal force.

Such immediate and effective actions are the best way to prevent like attacks which represent "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" to others AND save the city and county of San Francisco the costs of prosecution OR unproven "therapy".

The "unintended consequences" of such non-prosecutions  and of releases without setting (eg New York) bail may well be:
A. A greater increase in the private ownership of modern and effective firearms and of stores of "ammo" by law-abiding citizens;
B. The "liquidation" of those public officials who block or attempt to block the above;
C. An increase in the sale of rope (eg One-inch, hemp, line);
D. An increase in the costs to cities for repair of lamp posts or collection of garbage.

Property Represents Human Life

Honestly obtained property represents that part of a worker's life spent in earning it by physical or mental effort---OR by investing the products of such labor.

I think it more-than-proper to state: EVERY THEFT IS A LITTLE MURDER.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Joe Biden's Mental Condition

Here and first note that I am an educated-and-trained observer of human behavior. I was (Until after retirement) a "Licensed Social Worker" with a 34-year career in that field. During those hard years I had many contacts with mentally ill AND limited individuals.

After listening to candidate Joseph Biden I must conclude that he is in the state of "Early Onset Senility".

Here I must praise the prophetic wisdom of The Congress and The People in enacting the "Twenty Fifth Amendment" to our Republic's Constitution which allows for the removal of senile presidents for other than by any conviction under Article-I, Section-3 of that, our most basic, law.

It would be far better to NOT elect someone, like Candidate Biden, who shows such clear evidence of stumbling into full senility.

Of course, that diagnosis might benefit Mr. Biden if he is charged (Along with Hunter Biden) with one of the many felonies which should come out of an impartial investigation regarding the Ukraine corruption.