In recent times there have been many in
or about our university/colleges who maintain that some ill defined
“hate speech”should not be allowed in academia. Some of those
persons have even used such criminal mob actions as present “a
clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm” to others.
The less offensive of those Fascists
“shout down” speakers or misuse (Often cowardly) administrators
to block any efforts to present them with “politically incorrect”
ideas (And heaven
fore-fend!) have them run-the-risk of thinking.
what limits should or might be set on speech?
- That which the speaker (ie Not criminal respondents) presents the above-cited “clear and present danger” (eg Falsely crying out “FIRE!” in a crowded theater or lecture hall).
- That which interferes with the free speech rights of invited/authorized speakers and those who wish to listen to them and think about the views or knowledge presented by such a person.
dangerous thugs who use or attempt-to-use physical force against
rightful speakers (And, their audiences) must be very directly
informed that any
person can use any
level of force to effectively-and-immediately stop a violent attack
even one that is reasonably perceived to be such.
speakers or excluding some from audiences is an attack on both our
nation's support of free speech and a
cowardly attack on “Academic Freedom”!
Please refer to my blog entries of April 10 & 7, 2017.