To maintain the safety of our children and others within the USA I am totally opposed to transferring terrorists from our military prison/resort at Guantanamo Bay to prisons within the USA!
However, I do offer the following alternative.
Put exactly six of them in self-bailing whale-boats (The most sea-worthy of such craft) as furnished with: A mast; Two sets of sails; Fifteen days of hard rations and canned water; Fishing gear; One "fish knife"; A "membrane" unit to covert salt water to fresh water; One copy of the Koran; A compass; And, sailing directions.
They should be "tuned loose" 100-plus miles from Cuba, at night or in a heavy fog, in good weather (Avoiding all of hurricane season), under such naval protections as will keep "rescuers from them for no little time.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Politically Incorrect Model For Blacks & All Others
Blacks should give
up the very inferior model as described in Professor Thomas Sowell's
Black Rednecks and White Liberals and which : Now supports
“Victimhood”; Supports and honors those entertainers who
support/advocate abuse-of-women and attacking police; And, such
others as are listed, in the second group, on the first attachment to
this letter. (That inferior model is now being advocated by various,
Democrat and Socialist, non-thinkers.)
Blacks and
all others should follow the example of most Americans of Chinese
decent who:
- Came to the USA as racially identifiable incomers, speaking very foreign languages, having “strange” social customs;
- After arriving here they were:Subject to legal-and-illegal attacks (Some fatal); Excluded from the vote and other civil rights; Lived (Some voluntarily as did Italians, Jews and my Polish grandparents) in “Ghettos”; And, were very ill-treated as serf-like and almost slave-like workers;
- After this they demonstrated their cultural superiority by: Dedication to deferring rewards (Avoiding the crippling, criminal/infant-like, demand for instant gratification) by hard physical and academic work (The latter leading to some universities discriminating against them for being “too qualified/successful); Cleaving to the support and other advantages of two-parent (One of each gender) families; Honoring scholars over criminals; And, Disproportionally avoiding violations of law; And,
- Earning the rewards of: Great academic success (With the racist reactions of some schools noted above); A disproportional awarding of Nobel Prizes (Especially in the apolitical areas of science); And, a disproportional and greatly lower part of the populations of our jails and prisons.
Culturer Government,
Monday, April 11, 2016
Jews, Muslims, Due Process & Academic Freedom
I am, more-or-less, a Christian. I am also very familiar with: The contents of the Koran and other basic works of Islam; The 1400-history (And to this very day) of the acts inflicted on the world by those waging Jihad; And, the too-many , on campuses, Jihad-style campaigns against those who defend the State Of Israel and, more generally, all Jews and against those who would publicly raise rational questions about the above-cited contents and history.
Although much of those attacks are executed by Muslims, they have been aided-and-abetted by those others (eg
those at who should remind all of the Fascists of Hitler's Germany (Including those burners of Jewish authored books at that nation's universities) or the pogrom-generating Czars of Old Russian and like tyrants in the USSR.
Some of those attacks have been forwarded by Non-Muslim students (And faculty/administrators?).
[I cannot but wonder if those mob-members are, each-and-collectively, pathologically jealous of so many Jew's superior academic performance, stable family life and a cultural history of honoring scholars and laws.]
1. Hire an attorney.
2. Give formal notice, best on oath/affirmation, by your formal complaints against any individuals, groups, or or organizations (Including colleges/universities) who have injured (In the widest sense) AND what corrective actions, damages, punitive damages and other costs you are demanding at that time AND if corrective action is not taken by a date-certain.
3. Formally demand that any-and-all complaints or accusations against you be in written form AND upon "oath or affirmation"---And, consider, after taking counsel, refusing to attend any meetings or hearings until that is done.
4. Obtain as much evidence (eg Video Tapes; Written affidavits from witnesses) as possible as to any attacks.
5. As needed file civil actions and criminal complaints (eg "Violations Of Civil Rights"; "Misconduct In Public Office"; "Perjury"; "False Swearing") as needed to deal with all attackers.
6. Consider filing a formal complaint, with the accrediting organization demanding a formal hearing as to why you school's accreditation should not be vacated or made conditional on such corrective actions as you recommend.
You are NOT required to allow any physical attack on you or your supporters as includes "grabbing" or "hitting" or even being charged [eg By someone within the "Tueller Drill" distance of 21-feet, especially if they are display any object which might be used as a weapon OR shouting threats (eg "Allahu Akbar")].
In the "hitting" or "grabbing" situations you are required to limit your response to that which is proportional to the threat/danger'
In the case of being charged (Or, "mobbed"), you may use any level-of-force, including deadly force, if you believe that you are in a clear-and-present-danger of death-or-great-bodily-harm.
1. To provide immediate-and effective protection of all on their campuses from those who perform OR threaten any form of physical attack.
2. To protect the "Academic Freedom" and constitutional "Free Speech Rights" of those who wish to present OR hear any views from those who use noise/blocking-movement/other-means to stop or limit such by students, faculty, guest speakers, Etc..
3. To be alert and proactive to such potential attacks by such means of video-taping on-campus activities/events where such violations of law or university rules may occur.
4. To use their own (Or, others) to identify students and school-employees who are in such violations and to, after providing "Due Process", fire those employees and formally expel those guilty of offence such violations.
5. To file criminal charges where warranted in any applicable cases.
6. To, for those employees or students in the USA only because of a previously issued (Academic) visa, request the US Government to vacate those visas and expel those guilty enemies of freedom from the USA.
Friday, April 01, 2016
Islam NOT ISIS & Suppressing/Punishing Terrorists
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
ISIS is NOT "The Problem"! The
same can be written of Boku Haram, Hamas, CAIR, The
Muslim Brotherhood and other like organizations as have, boil-like,
erupted in our world---And, will do so under other names in the
future. The same can be said of "Lone Wolf Islamist Terrorist"
(eg The traitor Nidal Hasan of Ft. Hood infamy) OR very
small groups of like critters (eg The pair who were the
"Inside The Belt-Line" snipers; Those who fired upon a US
Army recruiting station murdering one of our Soldiers).
"The Problem" is the core and
essential teachings of Islam which include: 1. The command for
almost all Muslims to wage "perpetual war" (Jihad)
against all "unbelievers" until they become Muslims OR
abjectly accept the slave-like state some call dhimmitude;
And, 2. The encouragement/permission/commands to those
waging Jihad to use murder, genocide, rape,
torture, banditry and other horrors to forward Islam or "reward"
those creatures.
There is some "research" as
demonstrates that not less than 50% of Muslims support the
"fullness" of Jihad. There is some
reason to believe that the current Administration favors the
immigration of Muslims (ie Who are not likely to comply
with the above) over the today's real targets of Jihad---Christians.
Thursday, February 05, 2015
Communicating With Jihadists---Updated
The lessons of history and current events demonstrate that the only means of "communicating" with those Muslims waging Jihad is by the application of over whelming and deadly force as at: Tours (732 AD); Las Navas de Tolosa (1212 AD); Granada (1492 AD); Lepanto (1571 AD); Chocim/Khotym (1621 AD); Vienna (1683 AD); The USA's campaigns against the Islamist-Pirates of the Barbary States (1805-1815); Navarino (1827 AD); Israel’s various and defensive wars from 1948 on (Just in case you ask, I am not of the Jewish Faith nor do I have any financial interests in the State of Israel); Multinational mini-campaigns against the Islamist Pirates operating off the Muslim Sudan.
FROM: George
Santayana. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it”.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Ummah, Muslims,Jihad & Punishment
is the Muslim-Arabic term for the world wide community of all
Muslims. It is a general, Islamist, principle that an attack on any
one member of that “community” is an attack on all members
(ie All Muslims).
Equity demands that
an attack, on Non-Muslims, by any (Muslim) member
of that “Ummah” must be considered an attack by all Muslims and
make them equally guilty AND equally liable to punishment for such
However, any
Muslim is able to remove him/her-self from that
guilt and risk-of-punishment by openly and clearly
declaring, in her/his local Mosque and in places open to Non-Muslims
(To be video-taped for later broadcast) that s/he:
- Absolutely condemns all of the teachings of the Koran and the Hadith (The collected sayings of that fellow Mohammed of Mecca & Medina) which command Muslims to wage “perpetual war” (Jihad) against “unbelievers” and those which allow/encourage/command the use of murder, rape, genocide, torture and other horrid crimes against others and against civilization to advance Jihad OR the individual/collective goals of Muslims;
- Will always determine the end recipients of any charity s/he gives AND will not give to any domestic (eg CAIR) or foreign organizations which directly/indirectly support the above crimes.
Muslims who do/will not make that withdrawal from those horrid
teachings and the resultant horrors of Jihad are to
be the subjects of official/unofficial punishment for the crimes of
other members of “Ummah”.
punishment is morally allowed as the civil authorities of the many
nations have been unable or unwilling
to crush those waging Jihad with
the active/passive support of Muslims enrolled in the “Ummah”.
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