The recently proposed changes in Wisconsin's teacher-licensing laws offers various-and-great opportunities to distill (NOT "Dilute") the qualifications of Wisconsin's teachers--By recruiting and using select military veterans.
- Teachers would have more college-level course work (Or, for vocational arts training, practical experience) on the subjects to be taught rather than such “how to teach” and “politically correct” courses as have lead the way to such academic disaster areas as MPS.
- It appears that 90%-plus of university teachers very much support and teach the anti-principles of”The Left” as is very unlike the conservative-liberal divisions in Wisconsin as expressed in our elections. (It seems likely that those in Schools Of Education are at the high end of that group.)
- The proposed changes in licensing should/must require the very active recruitment of retired military teachers who (In the DOD's excellent technical schools, the military academies and its advanced schools/institutes) have knowledge-bases and teaching-experiences much greater that the vast majority of new and, also, of many senior teachers as now licensed in both “vocational” matters and in such subjects as history and civics. [Those retired military teachers will also offer examples, by precept and example, of self-discipline, duty and sacrifice for the “common good” as so lacking in our general society.]
The last advantage is likely to be one most rejected by the present “Professional Educators”, their supporters in teachers' unions and bought/leased politicians as it offers a very great threat to their political orientation AND their over-blown senses-of-self-worth.
A. I am a graduate of UW-Milwaukee and of US Navy technical schools.
B. The active recruitment of such retired/retiring DOD teachers could be expedited by: Sending “job announcements” to all such schools; Advertisements in newspapers published on or near those DOD facilities having schools; And, by special-and-ongoing lobbying with the DOD and VA (Who have, I believe, relevant placement programs). A central "clearing house" for such vacancies in Wisconsin's Public AND other schools could be, by statute, given the duty for such recruitment.
C. Since retired members of the Armed Forces already have very hard-earned retirement-pay and medical-benefits, they may be willing to be "more flexible" on pay and fringe-benefits as teachers.