Yes, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (Like Nidal Hasan of Ft. Hood infamy) was found guilty of multiple murders and sentenced to death.
Yet, he (And Hasan) were under-charged. Both were, very clearly, "waging war against the United States" and should have also been charged with the more serious crime of TREASON: As defined in Article-III, Section-3 of the Constitution; And, noted in s. 2381, 18 US Code Chapter 115.
real-and-basic reason for those under-chargings was to allow the Obama
Administration to avoid even the hint of the following truths: True-believing Muslims must obey that fellow Mohammed's command to wage "perpetual war" (Jihad) against "unbelievers"; And, that that the targets of that Jihad now includes the USA and 99% of its citizens and legal immigrants---As demonstrated by various "lone-wolf" and small-group Islamist attacks in the USA over recent years.
As there is no "Statue Of Limitations" as to TREASON, it might be best to:
!. Now charge them with that most horrid of crimes as an "object lesson";
2. To likewise charge those US citizens now engaged in waging military Jihad overseas for any organization which has declared the USA one of its enemies--Even if not yet in custody; And,
To try such critters before the same type of "military commission" as,
most exactly, tried those who were involved in the murder of President
Lincoln---As resulted in their quick and certain execution (Which should
be by "long drop hanging).