Saturday, February 07, 2015

Which "Radical Islam"???

The real “Radical Muslims” are those who do NOT follow the teachings of Islam as allow or encourage or command the use of murder, genocide, rape, torture, theft, lying (To deceive “unbelievers”), torture, wife-beating and other such horrors to further Islam itself and the individual, perverted, lusts of adult, male, true-believers in that criminal-terrorist ideology.

Those abominations were inflicted on the world by that fellow Mohammed of Mecca and Medina, the inventor of Islam. Muslims present him as the “ideal and perfect man”. Mohammed was, himself, a murderer, liar and treaty-breaker, bandit and the perverted sexual abuser of a nine-year-young girl-child. “Real Muslims” follow that life-example to this day.

Those self-identified as “Muslims” who do not follow the above-noted and anti-civilization teachings and examples are true “Radical Muslims” and, within the community of true believing-and-behaving Muslims (ie The ummat al-Islamiyah) are heretics and may be subject to summary killing by the “True Believers”.

If you continue to use the terms “Radical Muslim” or “Radical Islam” to describe those, claiming to be Muslims, who loyally follow the horrors demonstrated by such as ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas and other faithful “Sons Of The Prophet”, you are:
  1. Lying in cooperation with Mohammed's commands to deceive; Or,
  2. Forwarding the method of “Telling a lie so often that it becomes the truth”; Or,
  3. Both---To the total destruction of your credibility.


Thursday, February 05, 2015

Communicating With Jihadists---Updated


The lessons of history and current events demonstrate that the only means of "communicating" with those Muslims waging Jihad is by the application of over whelming and deadly force as at: Tours (732 AD); Las Navas de Tolosa (1212 AD); Granada (1492 AD); Lepanto (1571 AD); Chocim/Khotym (1621 AD); Vienna (1683 AD); The USA's campaigns against the Islamist-Pirates of the Barbary States (1805-1815); Navarino (1827 AD); Israel’s various and defensive wars from 1948 on (Just in case you ask, I am not of the Jewish Faith nor do I have any financial interests in the State of Israel); Multinational mini-campaigns against the Islamist Pirates operating off the Muslim Sudan.

To these I add the most excellent shooting down of the mad dog who assassinated a ceremonial guard on Canada's Parliament Hill and by the armed citizen who liquidated the swine who beheaded a lady in Oklahoma.

I can now gladly add the lessons of The Sniper!

FROM: George Santayana. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.