Saturday, December 13, 2014

Weapons On Work-Sites

There are many organizations/companies which forbid the bringing of guns and other weapons into their buildings or even (Illegally/unconstitutionally?) on their open properties (eg Parking lots). This is most specially noted by the many persons entering medical facilities. In most such cases there is a “posting”, by signs at entrances, of that prohibition. With very few exceptions, that also applies to employees.

Those who establish such policies seem to have ignored the following:
  1. The best recent evidence (eg From The Centers For Disease Control) is that the armed person is much less “likely” to be murdered or maimed by a criminal than the “Nanny State Dependent” and unarmed targets of criminal attacks;
  2. The time between a “911” call and effective police action is long enough for a criminal to kill or injure many persons;
  3. There have been cases where the police did not respond to a call for help (In Madison, WI) in such cases or long delayed such responses (In Milwaukee, WI) until the victim was murdered;
  4. Unless a private organization/company has a level-of-security at/above that found at airports, requiring staff (And visitors) to disarm themselves before entering such companies or organizations may be financially liable for damages in the cases of the death-of or injuries-to such weapon-deprived persons; And,
  5. Without exact information, I suggest that there are many more deaths/injuries caused by criminal intruders than by the staffs or law-abiding visitors to such places (Further research needed!).

You might note the possession of a handgun, in violation of employer's rules, by Dr. Lee Silvermann at the Mercy Fitzgerald Wellness Center (In Pennsylvania) as allowed him to shoot-and-kill a mental patient who had just murdered a staff member---And do so before (Alleged) armed security staff and very much before police responded. [Should such an employee be subject to discipline OR honored and that by means including a change in anti-weapon policy?]

Hiring Criminals & Probability Theory

It appears that there are many (Especially the Fascist actors in the current Federal Administration) who are, more-and-more, “leaning on” private-sector employers to not reject persons with criminal conviction histories (Especially before going through other qualifications/factors), especially those as are related to the proposed job duties and, thereby, wasting the limited resources of those who invest their legally hard-earned moneys in such businesses.

It appears that those tyrants require an education in “Probability Theory” and its principles (As based on criminal justice experience and the basics of scientific methods).
  1. The accuracy of any (Probability) statements approaches 100% as more-and-more confirming examples are recorded-and-experienced Vs. those which oppose any such statement.
  2. Those who have been convicted of crimes are more likely to continue criminal behaviors (Although not necessary the same offenses) than those without such convictions.
  3. That is even more so/probable as to non-economic arsonists and sexual predators.
  4. Sexual offenders who begin such crimes in their teen years and have not stopped by age 30-years are likely to continue until death or the gross weakness of very old age.
  5. The vast supply of data demonstrates that Blacks (16 to 30 years-of-age) are very more likely to commit serious crimes than Whites and very, very, more more likely to do so than Asians.

Those who still “push” for such risky employment of others should:
A. Arrange for the hiring of sexual predators or non-economic arsonists in the day-care-centers or schools in which their children or grandchildren are enrolled OR as family-hired “baby sitters” in their own homes;
B. Hire those found guilty of embezzlement to be accountants/book-keepers/financial-officers to manage those “advocates'” own personal funds or the companies in which they have invested or in such organizations (eg Labor unions, political party units) to which they belong.

PS---In large part the above is based on my 34-years of professional work in a State “Department Of Corrections”


Monday, November 24, 2014

Harvard Study On Guns

Harvard study shows privately owned guns are very effective crime fighting tools

By Kevin “Coach” Collins
A little heralded Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy study holds some devastating news for those who are trying to take guns from America’s population.
Here are the facts the study found.
The overall message of the report is that nations with private gun ownership have less crime.
In the period 1991 to 2011 gun ownership rose steadily; murders by guns fell 39% and firearms related crimes dropped 69%.
The nine European countries with the fewest guns have a combined murder rate three times higher than the nine European countries with the most guns in private hands.
With rare exceptions, since 1950 mass shootings have virtually always occurred in states with restrictive gun ownership laws. Moreover despite very strict laws against private gun ownership, three of the worst recorded school shootings have happened in Europe.
Contrary to liberal lies, while America leads the world in private gun ownership, we are just 28th in gun murders per 100,000 people.  
From 1991 to 2011, America’s overall violent crime rate and our murder rate both fell by half; a remarkable feat by any measure.   
On average 200,000 American women protect themselves from sexual attacks each year using guns.
By a ratio of 80 to 1 Americans use guns for crime prevention rather than to commit murders.
During the period studied (1991 to 2011) deaths by accidental discharges of firearms fell 58%.
Much to the contrary of liberal lies the UK’s violent crime rate in 4 times higher than ours and their rape rate is 125% higher than ours. The UK also has 133% more assaults than we do. 
After plunging into extreme gun banning Australia has experienced a 19% increase in murders and an increase of 69% in armed robberies.
Despite passing increasingly more restrictive gun control laws, Chicago’s homicide rate jumped 17% last year and by many measures it’s the most deadly city in the world.
Over the 23 years, following its implementation of a law requiring each household to have a gun, Kennesaw Georgia saw its overall crime rate drop by 50% and its burglary rate fall by 89%.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

FBI & Self-Defense Statistics

For reference re: justifiable homicide

Posted by David Hardy · 29 August 2014 11:45 AM
In the dispute over how many self-defense cases occur, one data point often cited by those seeking to minimize the number is the FBI Uniform Crime Report's count of justifiable homicides (a legal category that includes self-defense). This is usually in the range of 900 a year, including several hundred by police. While that doesn't count self-defense that doesn't result in the perp's death, it is argued that it is inconsistent with hundreds of thousands or millions of defensive uses annually.
What's not realized is that the FBI count is artificially defined in a way that far undercounts defensive uses. The usual definition of self-defense with a deadly weapon is use of force immediately necessary in light of a reasonable belief that the perp is likely to inflict death or serious bodily injury.
But the FBI UCR Reporting Handbook at pp. 17-18 uses a completely different definition. Reporting officials are instructed, in the case of use of force by a non-LEO, to include under justifiable homicide only killings "The killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen."
The illustration given (do NOT list as justifiable a situation where a citizen shoots a fellow attacking him, in a crime of passion, with a broken bottle -- the author must have watched too many 1950s movies about street fights) makes it apparent that the assault itself does not count as "commission of a felony."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Race, Guns, Drugs & Violence

In reading the "press offerings" on this subject, I do note that those who depreciate the gross misuse of guns by Blacks:
1. Point out the issue of poverty among Blacks--Without providing data as to such crimes among poor Whites; And,
2. Blame the illegal drug trade for such gun-related violence----Without providing parallel data as to any, if such, disproportional violence among Whites involve in illegal drug sales/distribution.

I wish I could find the "research"; But, I recall that the removal of Blacks from our statistics as to gun-related and other violence would leave the USA with a record of violent crimes no worse than Belgium, a nations whose citizens (For a EU nation) can easily obtain handguns (Or were so).

Friday, November 07, 2014

Questions For Nominees For AG/Federal Judgeships

I have yet to read or hear the fullness of (Federal) judges or candidates for Federal elective/appointive offices (Especially to the Federal Bench) responses to the following questions.

1. Do you agree or disagree that the original Constitution of the United States could not be ratified without a Bill Of Rights, that resulting in the latter document being the first ten amendments to the first?
2. Do you agree or disagree with President Thomas Jefferson that the intent of the authors of the Constitution (ie As the above-noted "Package Deal") is to be considered when involved in interpretation of that document?
3. As to the Second Amendment, do your agree or disagree that we can clearly understand the intent of those authors be understood from the comments of Presidents Jefferson, Washington and Madison---And, the other patriots who established our Republic?
4. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the "Shall Not Be Infringed" clause of the Second Amendment is the strongest statement of a limit-to or prohibition-against Federal acts in violation of the above-noted "package deal"?
5. Will you obey or resist the ruling of the Supreme Court Of The United States in declaring the rights under the Second Amendment as due every citizen without regard to membership in  a "militia"?
6. Will you obey or resist that Court's making that ruling binding, through the 14th Amendment, on the States?
7. How (If at all) have Federal judges considered/addressed the noted "shall not be infringed" clause?

Monday, October 27, 2014

"Common Core"--UPDATED

First and foremost is the fact that, in the USA, standardization-and-centralization of any educational  function leads to: An overall lowering of standards to appease the worst performing parts of our student-AND-teacher populations [As endorsed by Mr. B. H. Obama and others]; Probable "teaching to/for the tests AND the expected-and-demonstrated faking of test results; Probable suppression of those schools  which are willing to take risks. leave standard methods AND achieve excellence; Such "standard", centralized and "politically correct" schools as MPS  failing to properly educate pupils/students, commonly at a cost higher than non-conforming schools; And, abuse of the "Common Core" non-system to meet the corrupt views of some teachers'/schools.

Educational programs can be formed and corrupted by:  Giving-or-withholding of Federal funds ; And, towards the policies of one Party OR some "Glorious Leader".

What most specially seems to be lacking is a scientific pre-testing ("Reliable and valid" and with a "high level of confidence") of "Common Core" by some qualified scientists who have "no ax to grind". [That lack reminds me far too much of the very recent failure of the effectively untested web-site for "Obamacare" and the ongoing unknowns as to its ability to truly deliver useful and econonmicall-sounhinsurance.]

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

A Disease Worse Than Ebola

In today's world there is a very wide spread disease much, much, worse than Ebola. That disease:
  1. Kills many more people every month than does Ebola;
  2. Causes many to insanely kill themselves and others;
  3. Results in the loss of sexuality in many females;
  4. Results in such “brain damage” as causes the destruction of scientific knowledge and the use of logical thinking---Especially in young people;
  5. Has major infection reservoirs in such places the Middle East, all of Africa, France, the Scandinavian nations, England, urban Minnesota, Dearborn (Michigan) Tennessee; some of the one-time “Republics” of the old USSR and the Indian Sub-Continent;
  6. Has “metastasized” in smaller, but potentially as deadly, locals as Ireland, our own Department of Defense, the White House and even within the United States Congress.
If that horrid disease were cancer we would attack it with the knife or (Radiation) bullets or chemicals or such other means as would destroy that deadly growth. If that disease were from a bacteria or virus, we would use such chemicals as would kill all of the infection's organisms.

We do not fight and destroy such diseases by denying their causes and blaming “Evil Spirits” or witches or stating that some of their organisms are not deadly or claiming that some sites of such a cancer can be left alone.

That disease is, of course, the criminal-terrorist ideology called “Islam”.

Denying the reality that the teachings of Islam cannot be changed since the death of that fellow Mohammed (Of Mecca & Medina; The inventor of Islam; Who was a murderer, bandit, liar and treaty breaker and the perverted sexual abuser of a nine-year-young girl-child) AND that the horrors inflicted by ISIS/ISO or Boku Haram are fully in-line with those teachings is a form of mental and, very likely, physical suicide.

Failure for the leaders of our nation to use the most deadly means to destroy that disease is “TREASON” as defined by Article-III, Section-3 of the US Constitution. [Failure to arrest and immediately deport foreign carriers of that disease who have illegally entered the USA or have violated their visas (Well represented in urban Minnesota among Somalis who are providing volunteers for the Jihad outside/within the USA) is also aiding those who are waging war against the USA and endangering all of civilization. Failure to charge US citizens who participate in domestic or foreign Jihad or provide any, even minimal, aid to such persons with treason is also treason itself.]


Monday, September 15, 2014

Guns: Sale Records = Registration = Confiscation

What are some examples of where gun registration lead to gun confiscation?

Let's stick to fairly recent examples, say the last 25 years. Anywhere in the world. Are there any?

You mean aside from Cuba, China, Russia, and most other totalitarian states?

Let's see...New Zealand, 1921 the ownership of revolvers were allowed in the name of personal defense, 1970s this list was used to confiscate all revolvers.

Canada...registration list 1990s, old guns grandfathered in, but this list is used for the state to confiscate the guns upon the death of the holder with no compensation to the estate

1996 Australia used it's list of registered semiauto hunting rifles to confiscate all those weapons.

The UK government instituted handgun registration in 1921, and about every 10 years or so they further restrict what can be owned and use the registration rolls to collect what is illegal.

How about Chicago, put in registration of long guns, used that same registration to confiscate semiauto long guns in the early 1990s

What about California, couldn't make up it's mind if the SKS was covered or not (1989), decided AFTER the registration period was closed that they needed to be registered, declared a second 'grace period' for registration...then about 5 years ago they decided that those SKSs registered during the grace period were illegal because the grace period was illegal, and in certain cities and counties sent law enforcement to the listed addresses demanding surrender of the firearm. Because there is the legal option of removing the gun from the state of CA, and these officers had no warrants, smart gun owners turned them away with the claim 'I gave it to a relative in Oregon (or whatever)' but MANY were seized with no compensation. (Cities and counties later on offered compensation for anyone who had a receipt, but the police weren't giving out receipts, only a few people who demanded them had them and they were basically notes scribbled on whatever spare paper the officer had)

Side Note, the SKS was the MOST common weapon in the hands of Korean Shop Owners who used them to defend themselves and businesses when the LA riots happened.