Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Litany For Crusaders


Benedictus dominus deus meus qui docet manus meas ad proelium

By James Pawlak
All Rights Reserved


To all the Crusaders who have put their lives and very souls at risk in taking up arms against all false prophets and enemies of the Faith throughout all the centuries. THESE WERE AND ARE THE TRUE WITNESSES, MARTYRS, OF AND FOR THE FAITH.


Copies of this document were sent to Most Reverend Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of Milwaukee, for ecclesiastical approval. As of the time of this publication no response, as to such approval, was had from him except a meaningless letter filled with platitudes about martyrs.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


As Christ Jesus is our Ruler and his saints and blessed ones our friends, let us pray:

Christ Jesus Ruler, Christ Jesus Victor,
Have mercy on us;

Have mercy on us;

Lord of Splendor, Grace and Glory,
Have mercy on us;

Eternal Judge,
Have mercy on us;

Holy God! Holy Mighty One! Holy Immortal One!
Have mercy on us;

St. Louis, Crusader, King and good friend of the
Pray for us;

St. Michael the Archangel, Victor over the Evil One,
Pray for us;

St. Joan of Arc, Armored in Virtue,
Pray for us;

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church and Definer of
True Knighthood,
Pray for us;

St. Acarius of Byzantium, Martyr and truly good Centurion,
Pray for us;

St. George, Martyr and soldier;
Pray for us;

St. Adrian of Nicomedia, Officer and Martyr,
Pray for us;

St. Ignatius of Loyola, Soldier and commander of men,
Pray for us;

St. James, Apostle of Christ and banner of the Spanish Crusaders,
Pray for us;

St. Theodore Statelates, General and Martyr,
Pray for us;

St. Gabriel Possenti, Pistol shooting protector of the innocent;
Pray for us;

Blessed Mark d'Aviano, Preacher against the attackers of the Christian lands, flame for Crusaders;
Pray for us;

All Crusaders in every time and place;
Pray for us.

Gospel Reading

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to St. Luke, the twenty-second chapter, verses thirty-five through thirty-eight.

And He said to them, “WHEN I SENT YOU WITH NO
PURSE OR BAG OR SANDALS, DID YOU LACK ANYTHING?” They said, “Nothing”. He said to them,
they said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords”. And he
said unto them, “THEY ARE SUFFICIENT”.

The Gospel of the Lord!

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!


(Please see the notes below as to directions.)


Blessed be the Lord my God who teacheth my hands to fight and my fingers to war.

Blessed be the Lord my God who teacheth my hands to fight and my fingers to war.

Crusader's Prayer

As we prepare to go forth, let us pray.

Here we are with our willing hearts and our two swords, ready to defend against the external and internal enemies of Your Churches and Peoples. Please be our Commander and Leader against those who would destroy the Faith.

Amen! Now and forever, for the age of ages, AMEN!


In the Name of The Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit go forth to defend the Faith.

We march forth with thanks to God!


January 21st---(In the United States) To remind us of the temporary victory of the Evil One when the internal enemies of life and Christ convinced the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of Roe VS. Wade to allow abortion upon demand. (Outside of the United States of America, some equivalent memorial day may be chosen.)

March 23rd---To remind us of the independence of the Greeks from Mohammedan Turkish rule.

April 18th---To remind us of the forced ejection of the Mohammedan Turks from Beograd.

May 8th---In remembrance of the end of the “Crusade in Europe”, being “V-E Day”, the end of the Nazi terror.

August 16th---Being “V-J Day”; To reflect on the millions who died to defend civilization against all types of imperial aggression.

September 11th---To remind us of the Mohammedan attacks upon the United States of America and those who died resisting those attacks and in efforts to rescue the endangered victims of that foul attack.

September 12th---To celebrate the defeat of the Mohammedan Turks at Vienna, their last major, land, invasion from the East.

October 7th---To specially note the great sea battle of Lepento where the Mohammedan navy was sent down to defeat.

October 9th---To remember what few do: The defeat of the Mohammedan Turks at Chocim (Followed by the battles at Lvov and Zurawno), their last major attack against Northern Europe.

October 10th---To remember that long ago date when the Christian French, under the command of Charles Martel, defeated the Mohammedan “Moors” at the Battle of Tours.

The memorial days of the saints and blessed ones listed in the litany, being:
February 7th---St. Theodore Stratelates;
February 27th---St. Gabriel Possenti
April 23rd---St. George (November 1st in the Russian Orthodox Church);
May 7th---St. Acacius of Byzantium;
May 30th---St. Joan of Arc;
July 25th---St. James the Greater;
July 31st---St. Ignatius of Loyola;
August 13thBlessed Marco d'Aviano
August 20thSt. Bernard of Clairvaux
August 25th---St. Louis (IX);
September 8th---St. Adrian of Nicomedia; And,
September 29th---St. Michael the Archangel.


  1. In the readings, the words to be spoken by a priest or deacon or, lacking such ordained persons, a prayer leader, are in bold face The words spoken by Christ are in both BOLD FACE AND CAPITOL LETTERS, which words should be spoken only (In order of preference) by a priest, deacon or prayer leader; The words in ordinary type are to be said by all present.
  2. If this prayer service is a part of the Holy Mass or Divine Liturgy, it is recommended that it be had just before the dismissal of the People of God..
  3. If this litany is had at the end of the Holy Mass or a Divine Liturgy, then any ordained priest or deacon is expected to deliver a suitable homily or sermon at the appropriate place in that service. If this litany is had apart from the Holy Mass or Divine Liturgy, then suitable homily may be given by an ordained cleric or a suitable talk given by a lay prayer leader. “Suitable” here means a sermon on the noted Gospel or a homily or talk of such subjects as: Discerning who the internal and external enemies of the Churches and The Faith are; On means to defend against their attacks or subversions; Self-discipline; The value of prayer in the life and actions of crusaders; The lives of the above-noted saints, on their memorial days; The meaning, to the Churches and Peoples of God and of true civilization, of
    the historical events listed above etc..
  4. If those present enter in processional or leave the same way, any suitable anthem (e, g, “Holy God We Praise Thy Name”, “Lift High The Cross”, “Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory”) should be used in the United States. In other nations, equivalent anthems. may be sung. Drums and brass instruments may be used also at such times in suitable, somber or triumphal, march tunes.

  1. The Gospel reading's last verse is from the Peshitta New Testament (A new
    Aramaic-English translation). Aramaic being the language spoken by Christ and
    the translation, “THEY ARE SUFFICIENT”, is more appropriate than the usual, and “loaded”, “THAT IS ENOUGH” as found in too many translations.
  2. This litany was written by James Pawlak.


Oklahoma, Immigration & "Liberals"

Oklahoma is the only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election...
While everyone is focusing on Arizona’s new law, look what Oklahoma has been doing!!!!


An update from Oklahoma :

Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values...! HB 1330

Guess what..........
Oklahoma did it anyway.

Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB 1804. This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a mistake.

Guess what..........
Oklahoma did it anyway.

Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegal's to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB 1102

Guess what.........
Oklahoma did it anyway.

Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaring
Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives. Joining Texas , Montana and Utah as the only states to do so.
More states are likely to follow: Louisiana
, Alabama, Georgia, Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi and Florida. Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003

The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a setback for the criminals The Liberals didn't like it -- But....
Guess what........... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Just this month, the state has voted and passed a law that ALL drivers’ license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma , you must read and write English. Really simple.

By the way, the Liberals don't like any of this either

Guess what...who cares...
Oklahoma is doing it anyway.

If you like it, pass it on, if you don't then delete it...Thanks
Guess what :  the people I'm sending this to , will send it on.   Well, at least the ones who love and believe in  freedom will. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Immigration, Race, Islam & Summary

The "politically incorrect" issue most avoided by almost all who address the issue of illegal immigration is the impact of such on the most injured of Americans being those Black youths whose entry level jobs have been stolen by those who enter the USA in violation of our Laws.

There is a path to citizenship! It is contained within those laws! 

                                                SUMMARY OF BLOG ENTRIES

Saturday, May 01, 2010

The States' Concurrent Jurisdiction & "Illegals"

Some have claimed that the new Arizona "anti-illegal-immigrant" law is unconstitutional as the Federal (And unenforced) relevant laws preempt State jurisdiction. That is a false claim.

My State (Wisconsin) has laws punishing: Robbery (eg Of banks); Possession of a short-barreled (Sawed off) rifle or shotgun; Possession of a firearm by a felon; And, other and very serious crimes. The US Code also provides for the prosecution of "Bank Robbery" and the other crimes noted above. Offenders may be charged and tried for those offenses in either State or Federal (Or both) Courts. The penalties for State and Federal violations may be different.

I do not know of any person convicted in Wisconsin courts of those crimes who "beat the State rap" by claiming that the Federal laws preempt prosecution by the State.

The Arizona law merely asserts "concurrent jurisdiction" with the Federal government and Federal laws with differing penalties as is not uncommon in such matters.

Honesty in discussing Arizona's law demands the presentation of the above!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Children Of Illegal Immigrants

If Ivan Boris Doe and Juan Batista Roe embezzle money from their employers, fail to pay lawful taxes, rob banks and on-the-street citizens and put all of their illegal gains in a trust fund for their children, are those children entitled to those funds? I think not.

If Ivan Boris Doe and Juan Batista Roe illegally come to the USA and engender children here, are those children entitled to the benefits of US citizenship? That is a debatable legal issue!

Section-1 of the 14th Amendment to our Constitution gives the rights of citizenship only to those persons under the jurisdiction of this nation. Illegal immigrants have, by their unlawful entry into the USA, avoided that jurisdiction. Therefore, they have no more rights to give the highly valued fact of citizenship to their children born here than would the above noted Ivan Doe or Juan Roe have to pass on their ill gotten gains to their children.

This concept has not been tested in the Courts; But, it should be. After all, the 14th Amendment was designed to deal with slaves who had just been given freedom and NOT immigrants.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some Forgotten Illegals

In the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel;s October 23rd and pro-open-borders editorial ("Just counterproductive") the editors forgot to note some illegal immigrants who also hope to avoid detection-and-deportation after arrest (Hopefully also by non-Federal authorities), TO WIT: Drug smugglers and dealers; "Gang-bangers"; Identity thieves; Potential terrorists; Bearers of untreatable diseases; And, persons who work without paying taxes and ship billions of such untaxed moneys out of the USA and our economy.

As a matter of journalistic honesty, that editorial really should have noted those "other" illegal immigrant

Saturday, May 02, 2009

What Immigrant Rights?

Today the "Milwaukee Journal Sentinel" published a report on the "Immigrant Rights Parade" . But, What are those rights? Who is entitled to them? Many rely on the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution or related statutes or court cases to define those rights.

The intent of the writers of that Amendment was to force the rebelling, Southern, States to accept as citizens those Black slaves held by Whites, Native Americans and other Blacks. Many rights (But NOT all, such as voting) were extended to legal immigrants and legal visitors to the USA.

Although I am not an attorney, I put to you that the requirement of being "...subject to the jurisdiction.." of the USA and the several States excludes illegal immigrants who have avoided that jurisdiction by their unlawful entry into the USA. I put to you that such "illegals" have NO rights under the Constitution including, but not limited to: Voting in our elections; Possessing firearms; Judicial or other "due process" hearings, beyond that needed to determine their immigration status, before forced deportation; Habeas Corpus; Conditions of confinement pending deportation; Granting of citizenship to their children born in the USA; ETC..

Perhaps, we should now emphasize "duties" as much as "rights" and insist that "illegals" perform the duty of returning to their homelands and only then and only legally re-enter the USA.

Of course, enforcement of such a concept would require Federal Judges who hold faith to the letter and intent of the Constitution and its Amendment.
AND, PERHAPS, MOST IMPORTANTLY: President Thomas Jefferson's note on the interpretation of the Constitution: "On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to to the probable one in which it was passed.
 Monday, April 22, 2013

History, Immigration, Terrorism & Islam

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" (George Santayana). History (Including events more than one week ago, which is history for journalists) has taught, those who can be educated, that Islam's teachings and habitual practices are the chief source of this world's: Individual and small group terrorism;  Much "state terrorism" and international-imperialist aggression and associated terrorism; And, opposition to and subversion of democracies, intellectual freedom and other personal freedoms. (In fact, such teachings, historical practices and current practices all also support physical slavery.)

In 1492 the Spanish concluded that the risk of Islamic subversion was so dangerous to the People of Iberia that they began the physical expulsion from Spain all Muslims and those who supported them (Then including Jews, an unlikely condition today). Perhaps we should expel from the USA all Muslims who are not citizens. Those still here should be charged with "Treason" for each-and-every attack on our fellow citizens which is based on Islamic teachings.

At the very least all Muslim associations and groups should be (On the basis of history and experience) as terrorist organizations as we have for the like KKK and Nazi groups. Muslim immigrants or those who apply for student visas, should not be admitted to the USA unless they publicly (On oath/affirmation and on camera) denounce all of the horrid teachings of the Koran and likewise ink out or tear out those parts of that hate-manual.
 Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last Sane Decision On Muslim Immigrants

The last sane decision on Muslim immigrants was made (In the interests of national security, identity and civilization) by the Spanish in the year 1492AD when all followers of Mohammed (rihf) were expelled from the Iberian lands.

We have had another 500-years of experience with Islamic murder, rape, genocide, robbery, lies, Islam's self-declared and perpetual war against all "unbelievers" (To this very day in such places as the Sudan and Thailand). We now know more about Mohammed (rihf) and have found him to have been a treaty-breaker, bandit, murderer and the sexual abuser of a nine year young girl child.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Effective Use Of Military To Secure USA Borders

I strongly disagree with the statement that we have "tried everything" to secure our Southern border against the flood of drug dealers, terrorists, gang-members and paroled prisoners returning here after prior deportation, carriers of untreatable diseases (eg Drug resistant TB), job and identity thieves and such like unamerican trash.

One and untried method is as offered here:
1. Restrict the Border Patrol to urban areas and a thousand yards on either side of authorized, rural crossing points;
2. Allow anyone to cross into Mexico, without question, at any authorized crossing point or station;
3. Use four rows of razor ribbon coils In addition to the fences yet to be build and those sort-of in place along the entire border except for roads leading to authorized crossing points;
4. Make the balance of our border, for the first 1000-yards into the USA, a military zoneith posted notices in English, Spanish, Parsi, Arabic and local Native American languages that persons entering illegally there will be treated as invaders and will be shot, without warning if they are armed or resist arrest, and otherwise taken into custody for forced deportation or TRIAL BY MILITARY COMMISSION.

The troops could be regulars (Some brought back from Europe whose countries appear unwilling to defend themselves), reservists, National Guard and members of the General Militia (Also ad hoc posses raised by Sheriffs, mayors, JPs and other local government officials)

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Effective Control Of US Border

It is NOT sufficient to merely order units of the National Guard to the border. They must be given "general orders" as will allow them to protect the USA. I suggest the following.
1.                  All persons entering the USA at other than approved places, manned by the Border Patrol, are invaders.
2. All such persons are to immediately be forced back across the border by use of such force as is required to do so.
3. Any such persons who are armed are to be immediately fired upon and that without warning.
4. If the Border Patrol or the Armed Forces of the USA (Or, civilians under their protection) are fired upon from across our border, the Border Patrol and the Armed Forces will react to such attacks by small arms fire, field guns or aviation delivered ordinance.
5. The National Guard, Army and, if necessary, the General Militia shall support the emplacement of not less than six coils of "razor ribbon" (aka "Barbed Tape") f

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Effective Communications With Muslims

There have been too many whining and sniveling for "reaching out" for more and better communications with Muslims. There have been such communications in the past at such places as: Tours (732 AD); Las Navas de Tolosa (1212 AD); Granada (1492 AD); Lepanto (1571 AD); Chocim/Khotym (1621 AD); Vienna (1683 AD); The USA's campaigns against the Islamist-Pirates of the Barbary States (1805-1815); Navarino (1827 AD); Israels various and defensive wars from 1948 on (Just in case you ask, I am not of the Jewish Faith nor do I have any financial interests in the State of Israel); Multinational mini-campaigns against the Islamist Pirates operating off the Muslim Sudan and in other places in more recent years; Etc..


Monday, April 22, 2013

History, Immigration, Terrorism & Islam

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" (George Santayana). History (Including events more than one week ago, which is history for journalists) has taught, those who can be educated, that Islam's teachings and habitual practices are the chief source of this world's: Individual and small group terrorism;  Much "state terrorism" and international-imperialist aggression and associated terrorism; And, opposition to and subversion of democracies, intellectual freedom and other personal freedoms. (In fact, such teachings, historical practices and current practices all also support physical slavery.)

In 1492 the Spanish concluded that the risk of Islamic subversion was so dangerous to the People of Iberia that they began the physical expulsion from Spain all Muslims and those who supported them (Then including Jews, an unlikely condition today). Perhaps we should expel from the USA all Muslims who are not citizens. Those still here should be charged with "Treason" for each-and-every attack on our fellow citizens which is based on Islamic teachings.

At the very least all Muslim associations and groups should be (On the basis of history and experience) as terrorist organizations as we have for the like KKK and Nazi groups. Muslim immigrants or those who apply for student visas, should not be admitted to the USA unless they publicly (On oath/affirmation and on camera) denounce all of the horrid teachings of the Koran and likewise ink out or tear out those parts of that hate-manual.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lessons From The Boston Bombing

Horror and terror, maiming and murder also offer lessons for the wise to use.
Among those lessons are:
1. There are greater threats than guns with large magazines (Even semi-automatic rifles, misnamed "assault rifles);
2. Some Islamist and the few other terrorists, other "crazies" and even other criminals prefer bombs over firearms (eg The gun-less Timothy McVeigh and teh gun-less Islamist attackers against New York's "Twin Towers";
However, where effective and modern firearms are not readily available (As in such "Blue States" as Massachusetts), such violent persons will gravitate to improvised weapons---Such as bombs;
4. There are many WMD which are inexpensive AND do not require the technical expertise demonstrated by Timothy McVeigh, the"9/11" supports of Islam and, today's Boston Bomber(s).

I might note that Mr. Obama's initial reluctance to call the new "Boston Massacre" Terrorism might be his wish to avoid the reasonable association  of such terrorism with Islam, which is the source of the great majority of non-state (And, some state as by Iran) terrorism in this world. If the critters responsible for this Boston bombing should happen to be from some other ideology, the last fact should not be forgotten.

Those responsible waged war against the USA!  If citizens, they should be charged with TREASON and tried before such a fair,effective, fair and efficient Military Commission as dealt with those who plotted the murder of President Lincoln; . If foreign, they should be tried by the like courts martial  as dealt with  the Nazi saboteurs who landed in the USA during World War-II.

"Smart Guns" & Defeating "Smart Science/People"

The so-called "smart guns" are those which are programed to be fired only by such individuals as have been "programed" into them as authorized users. Some time ago, probably in response to pressures from "anti-gun" forces, Smith & Wesson spend much money to develop such---And found such a negative investment in both moneys spent on such R&D and a very negative response from customers to that concept.

1. Some of that response was based on the political views and acts of those more active supporters of he fullest exercise of the Second Amendment.
2. Objections were also made by police officers who: Wished their weapons and those of their "partners" available for use by other police officers in the cases of criminally caused death-or-disablement AND by the members of their own families "in case of need". (These objections were noted by other citizens.)
3. Some have claimed that the "chip" which enables such a function will not hold up to the shock of firing a gun---By responsible police and other citizens who use their basic (And, sometimes, only) firearm for repeated practice shooting. This might well cause such very important self-defense and defense-of-others weapons to fail, as per Murphy's Law at the worst possible time.
4. Although I lack the skills to do so, I understand that a simple electronic devise can be built and used to "freeze up" such "smart guns" as are in the hands of police and other citizens who wish to use them for self-defense and defense-of-others.
5. The skills of today's "computer hackers" (Which skills I do not have) are such that a lawfully obtained "smart gun" (Or one of the many stolen---Including the many so lost each year by police) can have the "lock" neutralized.

Obama's Incomplete "Gun Witness" List

Mr. B. H. Obama has flown, at your expense and mine, some of the parents of the murdered children of the Sandy Hook school to Washington, DC to testify for increased gun controls.  I doubt that he invited:
1. The one parent (Mr. Mark Mattioli) of a Sandy Hook Schools child who testified against such increases in unconstitutional people controls; Or,
2. The "woman in the attic" who barely drove an armed intruder with the rounds available in her "six-shooter"; Or,
3.  My home town's military veteran who pulled-and-pointed (ie Very ready to shoot) a gun to stop what might have been a fatal beating of a woman by some thug; Or,
4. The many other good citizens who do  the same and are listed in magazines truthfully published by the National Rifle Association, the United States Concealed Carry Association and those local newspapers who do not reject such stories as a matter of editorial policy.

The voices of America should and must include such citizens as take action when, as is usual, the police are too late and too few to prevent violence against innocents.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The New "Poll Tax" Vs. Guns

A long time ago many States (In the South) imposed a "Poll Tax" which required payment before citizens could exercise their constitutional right to vote.  The target of this tax were the poor, most specially Blacks (As demonstrated by the "grandfathering in" of those potential voters whose, White, grandfathers had voted.)

Such tyrannical and racist provisions were struck down, as unconstitutional, by the Federal Courts which extended the full right-to-vote to the States via the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

The right to keep (If not "bear") arms has been declared an individual and constitutional right by SCOTUS.  That right was also extended to the States by the Federal courts.

The existing and proposed "fees" and other taxes imposed, by some States and their local cities, on the possession of firearms appears to be our new "Poll Tax". It will also have its major impact on the poor (Of whom Blacks are a disproportional part)---And, upon those who oppose Federal and some other governments which grow more-and-more willing to arrogantly use storm trooper actions against the People.

I now await the actions some group (eg NAACP, ACLU, NRA) to take action against those new and unconstitutional fees-and-taxes.